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Army Recruits Down

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I'll never join the army. Im up to the mountains when WW3 happens. :thumbsup:


Phhht! Fat Stoners eh? , Well I cant speak for everyone ofc. , But I've smoked with a shitload of different people over the years , and I would say maybe 4 or 5 were fat. (I'm talking like 2% Max). In fact most Stoners I've known have been in good shape if not a little slim.

Just look at all the young kids too young to be stoners , There are heaps of them. Becuz TV , Computers etc are a big part of life for most kids ... So if your sittin on your ass all day with parents who just let you eat what you want , your gonna be a bit unhealthy and probly a bit fat too. Tho , Alot of kids lose their weight when they get a bit older and have to be more active. :)


O.k. , I think thats all have to say on the matter 4 now ...

Bye 4 Now.

Budman ... Out.(SkinnyCaveman)


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i agree, its bullshit that governments dont learn from wars, i think that it should become law that every leader of our nation MUST have a child and that if we were to go to war, invade another country or something along those lines like howard lines up with the USA all the time, that their child should be shipped off and be on the front lines fighting along the other soldiers that have been put in that situation when they would much rather be with friends and family....


I think thats an excellent idea. Or even better give little Johnny a machine gun and let him go over and attack Iraq himself if he believes in it that much.


It was a point that Michael Moore made well, of the several hundred congressmen who approved the invasion of Iraq only one had a family member in active service.


PS - Gotta show respect for soldiers wherever they fought. They take the ultimate risk and its not their fault where our brain damaged government sends them. :thumbsup:

Edited by pipeman
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yeah i tell ya what im in the same boat i have a full milatary history someone in my family has been in almost every conflict that aust has been involved in since WW1 and i tell ya my family looked down on both me and my brother for not signing up where both my cousins did sign up. Me and me bro went to cousins boot camp grad and i tell ya we were shuned by half the family.


Now if there is WW3 im heading straight for the hills with all me seeds and no cunt gonna find me i'll live of pot and anything i can catch or grow :thumbsup: but if i was to hear that my own country was being invaded then down from the hills i would come ASAP.

I would have no quams in defending my own country and land and family and would be happy to die defending them but hey someone elses land or country no thanks


and yeah i know that we help out and join in with other country's so that if one day we ever get close to an invasion then they will help us but i mean really i dont think you would see iraq or iran sendind troops over or vietnam do you think they will what about isreal or albania dont think so.


my 2 cents

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