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Army Recruits Down

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Army Recruits Down


The Australian Defence Force forecasts that young Australians will increase their usage of recreational drugs and suffer from obesity in higher numbers in the future.


The findings came out of the Defence Force's internal recruiting plan, which found that the number of potential army recuits is deminishing.


Increasing use of marijuana and obesity related to junk food were cited as the main reasons for the decline in the potential candidates.


The ADF is having trouble recruiting for other reasons as well, including the ageing of the population and private sector competition.


Source : SkyNews Active on Austar Digital


Increasing use of marijuana and obesity related to junk food were cited as the main reasons for the decline in the potential candidates.


Hmmm, I wonder if its lazy stoners with munchies that are causing the decline in recruitment numbers OR if its people not wanting to die for a cause they don't believe in? probably both :devilred:

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I absolutely 100% support those who serve the same Flag that I do


I don't! Fark, the ADF has barely been involved in anything morally rigid since 1945. And before you go and cry "Timor!" go and look up the real motives and history behind that.

I have very good mates either in the defence forces or who work for them as private contractors, and frequently get into argument with them over this. I love Australia, but that doesn't mean I have to love the army. I just do not buy into all that "Anzac" stuff, which is flakey at best anyways. Like what business did we have invading Turkey anyways, if you want to get into the origins of it...


I think the involvement in the Iraq thing certainly did their recruitment no favours. After having seen a very close mate turned into an agressive sometimes pigheaded jerk by his army career, I pity anyone who signs on the dotted line. I hate the stupid notion the ADF seems to have that everyone 'owes them' and we are in some position of debt. An army is just a national embodiment of an inabilty to solve problems without resorting to violence, I believe we need to be taking more pages out of New Zealand's book and start downsizing.


But increasing MJ use... I'll smoke to that :devilred:

Edited by HighRising
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I hate the stupid notion the ADF seems to have that everyone 'owes them' and we are in some position of debt. An army is just a national embodiment of an inabilty to solve problems without resorting to violence, I believe we need to be taking more pages out of New Zealand's book and start downsizing.


spot on about the army just bein a nation embodiment of an inability to solve problems without resorting to vilence, couldnt have been put better by anyone ::devilred::


IMO an army should only be used for 2 things, protection of OUR boarders from people/things not allowed in the country and the only other things that an army should ever be used for is to restore peace if major riots break out....

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I just do not buy into all that "Anzac" stuff, which is flakey at best anyways. Like what business did we have invading Turkey anyways, if you want to get into the origins of it...

I agree Gallipoli was a sham, but I still pay my respects to the Anzac's, More so, as they were young men butchered for no good reason. :devilred:

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I agree Gallipoli was a sham, but I still pay my respects to the Anzac's, More so, as they were young men butchered for no good reason. :devilred:


I have mad props for WWII vets. I mourn the rest of em. For the most part, they were just chumps being killed over the balance of power. Instead of glorifying them, we should be looking at their deaths as a sad and regrettable mistake that we should be learning from, not pushing more poor cunts into the same fate.

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Instead of glorifying them, we should be looking at their deaths as a sad and regrettable mistake that we should be learning from, not pushing more poor cunts into the same fate.


i agree, its bullshit that governments dont learn from wars, i think that it should become law that every leader of our nation MUST have a child and that if we were to go to war, invade another country or something along those lines like howard lines up with the USA all the time, that their child should be shipped off and be on the front lines fighting along the other soldiers that have been put in that situation when they would much rather be with friends and family....


who thinks if that was the case for every nation on the planet all wars would be stopped virtually overnight? i reckon it would take a few weeks for everything to calm down, but in the grand scheme of a war timeline for humanity, thats a blink of an eye :devilred:

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