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Signs of seeding

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Was wondering if anyone knows the changes a Satti goes through when she's going to seed ... does the structure of the bud visibly change .. I ask because I am worrying over a couple of males that have popped out recently in my GR -


I'm pretty sure they were chopped well before any pods could have opened...but ya never know.


Maybe its paranoia but I fancy I can see little seed pods forming .. don't really know what they look like and I may be imagining it ... the buds could simply be changing because they are getting closer to finished ... anyway, took a pic and would appreciate any opinions or feedback .. especially if you've seen a satti go to seed before :devilred:


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thanks Ev

yeh ... can feel little hard bits in there .. reckon I don't wanna wait till they develop into fully blown seeds .... looks like not all buds are pollinated .. is that possible ... that is, many of the buds still have the hairy sea anenome format .. while in the pic I reckon I see developing seed pods :scratchin

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I'll let her go another day or so .. watching brief .... I'm gettin a bit bored with the waiting and she's taking up the space 4-6 other plantrs would occupy lol If I could do it today I think I would .. :devilred: but i cant .. so probably tomorrow :mellow: it's going to be a long job :;):

I'll do a mini-photo coverage of the chop for the GD lol

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How long she been flowering Mushy?


I believe that cannabis can hermie itself in very late flower as a protection method, if it doesn't get male pollinated, it's only way of survival is self pollenation.



heya mate ... she been flowering for 75 days lol thats nearly 11 weeks .... problem is, I have no idea what she's supposed to look like when she's finished flowering ... I assume there is a colour change in the T's like with other strains ... be really good to let her go on but i dont wanna end up with thousands of seeds .. I still have a few hundred of her sister seeds in storage :scratchin


also, the chanvces are, if she got pollenated, it was not hermie but one of the several males that have popped up and surprised me .. newbie cloning mistakes .... hopefully now corrected .. :devilred:

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the seeded up bud would look like its gonna mature alot faster than the rest of the plant and also the seeded up bud will pretty much stop growing more bud to concentrate on seeds :thumbdown


if you have a really thin and small knife like a scaple, cut an individual flower out of a bud and open it up to see if it is going to seed, if you dont have a scaple or something simular, i'd just cut up a really small bud and be careful not to chop through any seeds to make sure i knew if it were seeded or not lol


if its seeded and like mango sativa x northern lights, i'd let the seeds mature, you'd end up with around a 50/50 hybrid and you could call it something like mango lights :devilred:

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