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My nutes stink!


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I switched to new nutes, Dutch Master Advanced. Anyway, after a few days my grow room stank! It was pretty bad, like a dead rat. However, it was not a dead rat but rather the nutes!


It smelled bad for a week, then the smell disappeared - well, diminished markedly.


Is this normal? :whistling

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Is this normal?  :whistling


Yep! :)


It's bacteria eating the chemicals from the nutrients and producing byproducts of various gasses. Sterilization of your water with oxy-plus or some other type of h202 or sterilization product helps prevent this.


I noticed it particularly with my DWC-grown plants... happens if you hold your solution in a res or something, not if you mix a watering-can every feed.

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Cool...thanks for the tip! At what rate do I add the H202?


For straight Hydrogen Peroxide I read somewhere 25ml/10 ltrs.... but check that for youself, I'm going by memory (and I know I told Musha a lower ratio than that previously).


I typically add about 2.5ml of Oxy-Plus to 10ltrs of solution, but Oxy-Plus and h202 aren't identical - oxy also contains silver nitrate which helps the oxygen maintain it's "reactivity" in the solution.

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yep .. eik .. you were the beginning of the end for the pythium scum :)

I've been using more like 5mls in each 50litre tub every 3-4 days ... I use my nose now, i have a sniff of the root zone and it either smells ... organic .. or it smells varying degrees of 'manky' ... haven't smelt it in weeks now thanks to advice from corporate scum .... aah what can you do ;)

thx again eikel ::):


fc99 .. hope that helps a bit and suggest you adjust your ventilation like wantdachronic suggested - ventialation is a really key element in the grow imo ..


or you could change nutes ;)


I know ... I wouldn't change now either ::): ...

well, unless something goes wrong .. but my nutes not only smell ok .. they come in pretty colours ... ::):

I am enjpoying the fruits of my labours this arvo ... NL buds .. so excuse the sillyness pls.


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