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Australian teenagers inclined towards Marijuana

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Australian teenagers inclined towards Marijuana


SYDNEY: Australian youngsters aged between 12 and 15 are more likely to use marijuana than smoke cigarettes, according to a government report which also revealed an increase in ecstasy use among youth.


The 2004 National Drug Strategy Survey, released on Tuesday, found that while 4.3 percent of children aged between 12 and 15 had smoked cigarettes in 2004, 5.2 percent had used cannabis.


"Still, two in three had never had a full glass of alcohol and almost all (95.7 percent) had never smoked a cigarette," survey author David Batts said... the report, which surveyed 30,000 Australians, found a drop in tobacco and marijuana intake among teenagers compared with figures collated in 1998.


Some 16 percent of teenagers aged 14-19 were regular cigarette smokers seven years ago, compared with 10 percent in 2004.


Cannabis use over the same time period for the 14-19 age group fell from 50 percent having tried the drug in 1998 to 25 percent in 2004, the report said.


While illicit drug use in general has fallen, teenagers were more likely to be experimenting with party-drug ecstasy, the report found.


I still cant get my head round 12yr olds smoking weed ... but some of the stats here are interesting ... use of cannabis in the 14-19 age group has halved in the last 5-6 yrs? :scratchin

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Well if less are using cigarettes, that's one plus. Now we just need to introduce them to the Leary Biscuit (basically a bud on a cracker, covered in cheese and microwaved) and we could have a next genereation of kids with healthy lungs, getting whacked all the time (no doubt with 12 out of 10 contracting schizophrenia).


It's sad still at that age, but all the more reason why it needs to be legalized so they can police it properly.


When will they ever learn...

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use of cannabis in the 14-19 age group has halved in the last 5-6 yrs?  :scratchin


Clearly the State's decriminalisation laws are about to unleash a terrible epidemic upon the youth of Australia.... any day now..... or perhaps the Federal Government has switched back to its Zero Tolerance zealotry saying that their efforts have produced these figures. Or perhaps they'll claim the unprovable, that if the State laws are tightened these figures will reduce even further... It's laughable ::):

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