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Cannabis is worst drug for psychosis

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Cannabis is worst drug for psychosis

Simon Kearney

November 21, 2005


FOUR out of five people with incurable schizophrenia smoked cannabis regularly between the ages of 12 and 21.


Andrew Campbell, of the NSW Mental Health Review Tribunal, warned that a hidden epidemic of cannabis-induced psychosis could make the so-called soft drug more dangerous than heroin.


"It's much safer to take heroin -- you can live to be 90 with heroin," Dr Campbell said.


A five-year review of the histories of mentally ill patients in NSW who had been committed to an institution or needed compulsory treatment found four out of five had smoked marijuana regularly in adolescence.


"That's 75 to 80 per cent of the people who are getting long-term psychotic disorders who are not getting better," Dr Campbell said. "That's four out of five who were healthy, they could smoke, they were not sensitive to the stuff, then they hit the wall.







"It can take up to five or six years. It's an epidemic, and in some ways we're blind to it."


Dr Campbell has kept records of his work reviewing the histories of these incurable patients and believes the results show the need for a national campaign about the health problems and dangers associated with the teenage use of marijuana.


"If you can just keep the kids off cannabis until they're 21 and they've got the keys to the door," he said.


"There seems to be a vulnerable period at critical adolescence. Give it to an adult -- people still get stoned, but you get over it."


Monash University psychiatry professor Paul Mullen told The Australian there were several overseas studies that backed Dr Campbell's findings.


In particular, a Swedish study had shown young men joining the army were more likely to suffer from schizophrenia in later life if they had smoked cannabis regularly in adolescence.


Professor Mullen said scientists knew the early stages of schizophrenia caused people to be more likely to take drugs at a young age, but researchers had so far not been able to prove the drug abuse was causing the earlier onset of schizophrenia.


"Most of us believe it may be bringing on schizophrenia earlier than it would have otherwise occurred," he said.


"In some unfortunate people who are heavy users, they would have gone through life with the vulnerability but it would never have been exposed."


Journalist and author Anne Deveson knows all too well the devastating impact schizophrenia can have.


Her son Jonathan committed suicide after suffering from the disorder, and she turned the story into the bestselling book Resilience.


"The sign was Jonathan ... started smoking quite early," she said. "A lot of young people who are vulnerable, who have a psychotic illness and are unable to cope with stress, they will use marijuana as a form of relief."


Professor Mullen said there should be clear health warnings that while occasionally using cannabis was not going to be a factor in schizophrenia, heavy use could be.


"The people who are out there, who at 13 are smoking several bongs a day, are in deep trouble," he said.


Dr Campbell said his work showed that many people using cannabis experienced years of normality before succumbing to the psychosis associated with schizophrenia. In men, it mostly happened in their late 20s, while in women it could be as late as their 40s.


"The psych wards are full of these people," he said.


"There's a very clear division -- there's the cannabis group and the non-cannabis group."


Dr Campbell said one study in Britain and The Netherlands had shown a base rate of schizophrenia in Wales of 11 per 100,000 people, compared with a rate in London and Amsterdam of 60 to 70 people per 100,000.


He puts this outcome down to the higher cannabis use in those cities by young people between the ages of 12 and 21.



I think that until they know how many of these people affecxted also used ...say, speed, lsd, opiates,etc etc ... as well as or instead of cannabis they should have their tounges cut out :D (yes, i went there!) for blaming cannabis .. FFS ... comparing Wales to London or the Dam ... stupid shit Simon Kearney ..


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Comparing some of Dr. Cambell's asumptions and statistics with the basic facts about schizophrenia it appears he is using highly selective studies (last four years) on which he bases his warning of a "a hidden epidemic of cannabis-induced psychosis "

I cannot accept this presumption!


The quoted facts below are taken from the "British Columbia Schizophrenia Society,9th edition,April 2001" a booklet of Basic Facts About Schizophrenia.







Schizophrenia is a disease that strikes young people in their prime.



The disease distorts the senses, making it very difficult for the individual to tell what is real from what is not real



Usual age of onset is between 16 and 25.



Schizophrenia is a medical illness. Period.







Schizophrenia is found all over the world -- in all races, in all cultures and in all social classes



It affects 1 in 100 people worldwide.


*Researchers now agree that -- we do not yet know what "causes" schizophrenia.



* Drug Abuse -- Drugs (including alcohol, tobacco, and street drugs) themselves do not cause schizophrenia. However, certain drugs can make symptoms worse or trigger a psychotic episode if a person already has schizophrenia. Drugs can also create schizophrenia-like symptoms in otherwise healthy individuals.




"Do street drugs ever cause schizophrenia?


No. Street drugs do not actually cause schizophrenia. Since some people who take street drugs may show schizophrenia-like symptoms, people who have schizophrenia are sometimes accused of being "high" on drugs. A person suffering from psychotic symptoms may also become involved in substance abuse, where having such symptoms in the setting of getting high is seen as normal.


Evidence indicates that if someone has a predisposing factor, drugs like cannabis (marijuana, hash, hash oil, etc.) may trigger an episode of schizophrenia. This may or may not clear up when use of the drug stops. If your family has a history of mental illness, extra caution might be wise."

End Of Quote.


Why is it now, only in the last few years the finger is pointed at marijuana?

How long have Aussies in their teens been smoking dope?....45 years ago every 2nd teenage smoked it....I know i was there, we had dreams of changing the world.

Well where's all those schizo's ?


I do think the Australian newspaper has an unwritten policy of biased reporting toward marijuana....i've never seen a balanced article from them on marijuana.


That's my 20c worth!


Further details on Schizophrenia can be found at http://www.mentalhealth.com/book/p40-sc02.html#Head_2



Edited by Frazzle
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Frazzle, well said mate!! I just deleted everything I'd drafted coz you summed it up perfectly.


That article took the piss out of itself here too..



Journalist and author Anne Deveson knows all too well the devastating impact schizophrenia can have.


Her son Jonathan committed suicide after suffering from the disorder, and she turned the story into the bestselling book Resilience.


"The sign was Jonathan ... started smoking quite early," she said. "A lot of young people who are vulnerable, who have a psychotic illness and are unable to cope with stress, they will use marijuana as a form of relief."



Ok so it was evident that poor Jonathon was already hectic, because he was drawn to mj for .... a form of relief for the stress.. Not the skitz coming from the mj :D

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"Most of us believe it may be bringing on schizophrenia earlier than it would have otherwise occurred," he said.
"The people who are out there, who at 13 are smoking several bongs a day, are in deep trouble," he said.
"If you can just keep the kids off cannabis until they're 21 and they've got the keys to the door," he said.


so basically what he is saying that prolong marijuana use MAY bring on an episode alot earlier than it would have otherwise occurred, he doesnt give any proof or evidence, he just seems to know everything :P


but i did like the fact he basically said stay off marijuana untill you are 21 then smoke yourself retarded every day because your body will get over it :D

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Schizophrenia is a disease that strikes young people in their prime.


The disease distorts the senses, making it very difficult for the individual to tell what is real from what is not real


In a society, where the majority of young people are addicted to television and video games is it not surprising they don't know what's real?

When they find out they are lied to their whole lives by television, friends, family, teachers, politicians etc. is it surprising they don't know what to believe?


I don't believe they can put this blame at ALL on marijuana, when there are so many variables.


I would say that marijuana use is one of the few things that MAKE sense and that societies expectations are incompatible with it.


"The psych wards are full of these people," he said.


When SOOO many people are smoking it these days, of course there's going to be a lot of people who do in psych wards, but you can bet your ass there's plenty more who aren't.

I mean they could just as easy blame mobile phones, because......OMG, a majority of people with schizophrenia have used them too!! :scratchin


"There's a very clear division -- there's the cannabis group and the non-cannabis group."


Ahhhh, division. The solution to all life's problems.



That article is biased and BS and I advise it be stricken from the record. :)

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infinitee-In a society, where the majority of young people are addicted to television and video games is it not surprising they don't know what's real?

When they find out they are lied to their whole lives by television, friends, family, teachers, politicians etc. is it surprising they don't know what to believe?


true true..that was a very nnice paragraph infinitee ::):

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When SOOO many people are smoking it these days, of course there's going to be a lot of people who do in psych wards, but you can bet your ass there's plenty more who aren't.

I mean they could just as easy blame mobile phones, because......OMG, a majority of people with schizophrenia have used them too!!  :scratchin

Ahhhh, division. The solution to all life's problems.

That article is biased and BS and I advise it be stricken from the record.  :)

Headline: "TV addiction linked with psychosis'


Apparantly 4 out of 5 psychosis patients watch at least 2 hours of television every day. :whistling :thumbdown

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Yeah very well said Infinitee :)


Caffienism is closely linked to skitz symptoms IMO! Hmmm, wee kids eat choccy and drink soft drink too, while watching telly or games.


Skitz is such a variable illness. Try looking up information on it, its broad reaching to vague. Taking in so many symptoms of similar illnesses. There is also no organic proof it even exists, yet. Only lists of different symptoms, from different patients; from voices to psychotic delusional violence etc.

These names change from manic depression to bipolar with a rainbow of co-morbid tendancies.

So many unknowns for the pharmaceutical co's and phychiatric industry to throw pills at, they must be wrapped.

Meanwhile we stand outside 'rationality' and have simply to wonder if cannabis could have possibly benefited these tortured folk. Perhaps as a refined medicine, perhaps just how it is, with better understanding of how to use it., and what not to use with it (contraindications).






I would say that marijuana use is one of the few things that MAKE sense and that societies expectations are incompatible with it."




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Dr Campbell said one study in Britain and The Netherlands had shown a base rate of schizophrenia in Wales of 11 per 100,000 people, compared with a rate in London and Amsterdam of 60 to 70 people per 100,000.

Given that it is generally accepted that schizophrenia affects approx. 1 in 100 (or 1,000 per 100,000) of the population - Wales, London and Amsterdam seem to be doing remarkablely well considering the figures.


I loved how the article went on about 'incurable' - it should suprise noone that schizophrenia is indeed incurable as is much of what ails humanity (including the common cold).


You tend to get 'used to' an incurable illness after about a decade IMHO :)

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Actually I have some direct experience with this. The link between marijuana and amphetamine use at an early age and mental illness is quite clear and evident to those that work with mentally unwell people. (in west Aus) these are the 2 most freely available illegal recreational drugs.

Ironicaly, it is probably the fact that cannabis is illegal that has caused such an explosion of amphetamine use, basically due to the fact that the same person selling the pot is usually dealing speed also.

Repetitive use of cannabis will not make you psychotic, but repetitive use of amphetamines almost certainly will. However for some reason cannabis is the trigger amongst some young people for the onset of schizophrenia. Nobody knows exactly why ( hard to study an illegal drug) Obviously not everybody that consumes these 2 drugs will develop these illnesses , and the use of marijuana holds a lot of benefits for many people.

The legalisation of cannabis would enable this problem to be more effectively dealt with.

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