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Cannabis soothes the pain of arthritis

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Cannabis soothes the pain of arthritis



By Jeremy Laurance


Cannabis-based drugs might be used to treat arthritis after a study showed they could relieve its pain.


Cannabis has already been shown to have a role in the treatment of multiple sclerosis. Other studies suggest it may help treat gut disorders such as Crohn's disease.


The latest study - the first to examine its effect in rheumatoid arthritis - found it significantly reduced pain and suppressed the disease.


Researchers followed up a survey of 1000 people who had obtained the drug. About 15 per cent said they had done so to relieve the condition.


Doctors at the Royal National Hospital for Rheumatic Diseases in Bath gave the cannabis-based medicine, Sativex, to 31 randomly selected patients with rheumatoid arthritis and compared them with controls. Those given the active drug had statistically significant improvements in pain, quality of sleep and inflammation. The findings are published online in the Rheumatology Journal.


Concern about the intoxicating effects of cannabis have deterred researchers from exploring its potential as a medicinal treatment. A Sativex spokesman said the medicinal effect was inseparable from its intoxicating effect.


I think that sufferers should be the ones to decide whether they can accept the intoxicating effects ... so many other drugs cause sometimes radical side effects that doctors just tell patients to live with ... being the better option to the problem the drugs are treating.. blood pressure meds are a good and very widespread example .. I'm not saying cannabis can be used to treat HBP (i dont know) .. but hypertension .. definately has a beneficial effect


And Mr Howard always seems to take the popular tack .. using cannabis to excuse so many problems with the society he rules .. not being broadminded enough to take the political opportunity of risking an admission that it can and DOES help so many Australians ... I think he's get more votes if he did ... but he wants crusifiction it seems for cannabis use ... shit, what'll be his remedy for growers .. :D scary


so .. lets get growing .. it could soon be the bloody death penalty.. commuted to life without parole for growing a few plants :lol: :devilred:



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