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Watched half of it but I couldn’t watch anymore, my computer was going to get thrown out the window I’m sick of all this propaganda crap that’s going on at the moment its like the government is scared so there pulling the reefer madness card on as again. If marijuana is the most used drug in the world it would seem logical that a lot of people that are suffering from a mental illness also smoke weed and it would also seem . Obvius that those mental illnesses are hard to treat when the doctors are blaming the dope.

I’ve been smoking dawn to dusk since I was 13 had to cut down about 2 years ago so now I only do it after work and never out of my house. It does make you lazy and unmotivated when your stoned your whole awake life you’ve just got to do everything in moderation still I can say 9 years of smoking all day everyday you can still come out of it a normal hard working person with your brain intact. Try doing that with alcohol. :smoke

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