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Guest medcannabis

(watched it when it first aired, there is discussion already on the forums)


Personally I didn't find it interesting in the slightest. I found it an absolute waste of time that left me enraged at the ignorance of our society and the hypocrisy we have with 'good' and 'bad' drugs. (not to mention the pathetic science behind it all)

Okay we can flog alcohol with sexual female advertising, and still sell highly processed altered tobacco, of which both have immense health degradation on our society, but we must save our youth from cannabis O' WON'T SOMEBODY PLEEEEEEASE THINK OF THE CHILDRENNN!!!.


Moreso I was enraged at the ABC and four corners for even considering putting this on and viewing it as a valid piece of work.


Where was the study into nutrition of the patients?


Where did it discuss in EXTREME details their exercise patterns, their sleeping patterns, their diet (or lack of), their coffee and sugar intake?


Where did it discuss the amount of time they spend indoors?


Where was the mention that EVERY fucking user was mixing with tobacco?


Where was tobacco addiction discussed?


WHY was every smoking shot or mixing shot with tobacco yet it went completely undiscussed? Where was the discussion about outdoor grown cannabis and using it neat not mixed?


What are the complete family backgrounds of all these people and their upbringings? (problems in life? etc.)


Why were these people drawn to substance use?


What do they get out of substance use?


What other drugs have they used and continue to use (come on, many of those kids were not just using cannabis, it's fairly obvious)


Where was the study into how society drives people to use drugs?


Where was the study that shows how alot of drug users are treated like and feel like shit because alot of society treat them like lowlives?? (which makes people use more, and more mental problems)


How can you honestly fit a well rounded drug report into a Half hour show, especially when essentially we know sweet fuck all about cannabis.


Science? bah, fucking monkeys with video cameras.


That's not even the tip of it, you could delve into question after question for many lifetimes and still not get halfway to where you are heading. Honestly, how does anyone expect intelligent research to be done and released to the public without alteration for political gain when our world is fueled by drug wars and corrupt governments. :thumbdown :thumbdown :thumbdown

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I didn't watch this show again - the first time got me too annoyed.


I think a lot of kids who lose the plot, blame the pot, because the know their parents used to use as kids themselves (lets face it, what can the parents say?). I personally feel that it is mainly the other drugs to blame and the kids don't want to admit to parents that amphetamines, LSD etc. might have been the main problem. Somehow more acceptable to blame pot.


That said I acknowledge that pot & psychosis don't mix.


The number of times you see in the press 'he used marijuana and speed' then the discussion ignores the speed and proceeds to demonize the pot. On a 'today tonight' show several months ago one woman said pot 'killed' her son (suicide). She showed photos of here son with a bong in his hands - every photo also had a bottle of Jim Beam in shot. The dangers of poly drug use were never raised.


... and don't get me started on the way the press largely ignore medical cannnabis issues :scratchin

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Well i am everyday user and i don't want psychosis its as simple as that. Watching programs like that really makes you think about what your doing to your brain. But then on the other hand it was aired on the ABC which we all know is owned by the government so is that just there way of spreading the anti drug message. I mean all the people on that show were drug fucked losers no doubt about that. I'm a normal kid that lives in a nice house etc etc I'm not some street kid that dropped out of school in year 7 / 8




Regards S.Bliss


...Stay in School :peace:

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... But then on the other hand it was aired on the ABC which we all know is owned by the government so is that just there way of spreading the anti drug message. ...


The ABC don't sheepishly follow the government line, they are often more critical of the government of the day (Liberal/Nats or Labor) than the commercial networks.


When it comes to the press coverage of cannabis-relate psychosis, if a falsehood is repeated often enough it becomes a fact in much of the public's mind. Don't fall for the old 'reefer madness' line - it is just not true.


Generally speaking, people who will present with schizophrenia will do so about late puberty - the same time they are experimenting with pot, Schizophrenics will have problems whether they smoke pot or not - but pot will make life worse for them. The incidence of schizophrenia around the world is approx. 1 % of the population. This percentage is about the same in cultures where pot is popular or relatively rare.


As for being a 'normal kid' as opposed to a 'street kid', consider yourself lucky that your circumstances are better than others. Being a 'street kid' does not mean you are more susceptible to mental illness - rather just unlucky enough to have a poor family environment.

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To me, those people are terrible examples. First off, you have full time, chronic users who are never straight, stuck in an abusive pattern of use. And secondly, you have people with a natural predisposition to mental illness. I could find plenty of people who have had similar experiences with alcohol. What about Delirium Tremens? At least weed withdrawls aren't fatal!


Even supposing everything they said is right, so what? Most smokers use MJ for years, their entire adult life even, with no issues. Because they have a balanced, happy life that involves more than just being high for the sake of it all the time. All this show reinforces in my mind is the importance of the need for the laws to change, so these people with suscpetibilities can be better educated, and should they have problems, be treated like people with a mental illness and not criminals.

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In Chapter 2, it says she used Cannabis, then stopped using it for 4 years and later, in Chapter 4, the reporter asserts: "Whether Cannabis use caused Joline's psychosis or merely triggered it, we will never know."





I notice a lot of "...my gut feeling", "my view is..." etc.


Could it be that people who are already mentally ill, or are genetically predisposed to it, are attracted to substances like cannabis, aiming to self-medicate themselves?



Reporter: "What makes someone vulnerable to psychosis?"

Expert: "Well, that's not entirely clear at the moment."



"Danny Green was a very heavy Cannabis smoker for 3 years. He also dabbled in amphetamines.





Disappointing from the ABC.

Edited by raverspec
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