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Elderly set to lose their home

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One thing I will say in their defence, I know plenty of oldies that stash money around the house, rather than bank it. Classic memory, my nan used to bury her savings and all her jewellry before going away on holidays. That practise stopped about 3 years ago, when we almost had to excavate the whole backyard when she forgot which spot it was buried in B) :lol: Took nearly a week to find it B)
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1. 18.7Kg stashed in the roof - that amount alone says this was NOT "personal use".

2. 300gm in an ice-cream container under the bed, convenient if you are selling smaller amounts.

3. $7,000 in CASH at the house - a couple of retiree pensioners would NOT have that much cash just lying around not in a bank.


Based offa this I draw the conclusion, that:


a ) The couple KNEW the weed was for commercial sale.

b ) It's VERY likely the 300gm was the couples own "selling" stash.

c ) It's VERY likely the $7,000 was either paid to the parents by the son for keeping the stash or earnt by the parents themselves selling the stash.


i have to agree that 19kg in a single house dictates commercial purposes, thats a fuck load of weed that you could literally dive into and have a swim around in and i definately would if i had that amount B)


sounds like to me that the 300 grams they had under the bed was to distract the people they sell to about the bigger stash....ie they just say they bought a pound when infact they grabbed one from the roof lol


even still, the police shouldnt have the right to take their house away, expecially considering they have been living there for 50 years and there is no possible way it could have been paid for by marijuana....sure they could take everything else in the house like TVs, DVDs, etc. but c'mon, a house that was bought over 50 years ago? thats some bullshit :thumbdown

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During the trial, the court was told 18.7kg of the illegal drug was found above a false ceiling in the couple's home, a further 300 grams was found in an ice-cream container under their bed, and $7000 cash was found hidden under the driver's side seat of their car.


I know old people put their pension into jars and shit and hide them around the house quite often - read the article again and look at where the $7,000 was found. (These were NOT incontiguous stashes of a few hundred bucks around the place).


How am I being an apologist for the Government? I said it was stupid they got convincted for posession of the same weed as their son - clearly the law needs to be reworked, you can't charge 2 for stealing a single item from a shop.


Personally I'm sick of all these news reports where people over 40 get a slap on the wrists for dealing/posessing while the 20-year olds go to prision.... do the crime, do the time. If I get busted I don't expect anything less than the cops to go for the maximum pentalty they can, and I don't expect people to feel sorry for me, I knew what I was doing and I did it anyway.


Whether or not you agree with a law doesn't mean you can selectively choose which ones you are punished for.


I have no sympathy for people who grow or are involved with weed for financial gain, there is a difference growing a couple of oz extra for your mates and having NINETEEN KILOS of the stuff. I think you people are forgetting just how much weed 19Kg is - most of us are happy if we harvest over a pound - 436gm, not 19000gm.

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That practise stopped about 3 years ago, when we almost had to excavate the whole backyard when she forgot which spot it was buried in B)  :lol:  Took nearly a week to find it B)


I nearly pissed myself when I read that, I got an instant picture of a confused grandmother walking around a backyard going "I know it's here somewhere".

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82 and 78 year olds, would possibly know many people, friends, relatives that could benefit from MJ medicinally.


That aside, they 'could' use 18.7 kg for personal use. Maybe they cook with it for omega 3 and pain relief.

Maybe they bag it all down to about 1.87 kilo of bubble and make rubbing tinctures out of it... tis possible. B)


The cash and pensioner/ retiree relationship... that's quite common. Distrust of banks, means testing effecting pension amounts etc.



"If you grow for commercial profit, it's just more justification to the government that only "dealers" are involved in the MJ industry and medical users are just stoner-junkies who are looking for an excuse."


There's sometimes only 2 choices; 1 - to spend 15 minutes telling a stranger your problems then leaving his place with less cash, some drugs and a script for more, or

2 Buy some weed if you haven't grown any lately!


The government doesn't need to justify it's own rules unfortunately. And everytime something goes wrong, or even seems to, the highlight will be on the 'prohibited'.


We highlight the prohibited, in a vain hope they'll recognise and justify.


"Perception of the stoner is 99.99999% of the battle we fight for legalization, these people do nothing to make us seem like "normal" citizens to the uneducated mass-populace."


True, I see your point Elkel. You seem passionate about the goal. But there is one thing these 2 old aussie stoners have done, they've 'possibly' kept herb up to people who couldn't grow it.

The people who can't grow it, still want and need it, and so are criminals also, (just like us, unfortunately).

I know I've appreciated 'scoring' in times the garden is out.


Still a crap situation for the couple about to lose their home. More casualties of todays drug war I spose.






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I don't think Eikel is saying people shouldn't grow for profit, I believe he is saying that if you do don't whinge if you get caught, same thing with any laws, if I go over the speed limit and get a ticket that is my problem for breaking the law.


EXACTLY!!! (Thanks Dsyfer!)


I'm saying it's your choice what you do, but ultimate you MUST take RESPONSIBILITY for your own actions.


Whether or not I hurt anyone by growing my own weed and smoking it between myself and a few mates is irrelevant - If I'm caught, I broke the law, I face the penalty.


I'm not anti-pot by any means, and I would LOVE legislation to "decriminialize" the stuff, but that is NEVER going to happen when anti-pot freaks can just say "Sure, you need pot for medical use, NINETEEN KILOGRAMS OFF THE STUFF?!?!?!".


Now, his parents KNEW their son was dealing or had dealt in the past, they KNEW there were penalties for posessing the amount of weed they did (says in the Article the woman was a medical user).


I feel bad about the fact they lost their house, but IT WAS THEIR OWN DAMNED FAULT.

I GAURANTEE if the 300gm was ALL the police found, they would've copped a fine AND NOTHING ELSE.


@mullaway - I would buy into all your points, but you cannot no matter how hard you try, justify a 52-year (19Kg, 19Kg, remember Nineteen-THOUSAND grams) supply of "medical" cannabis.


Jesus people, jump on someone for having an objective viewpoint and not just instantly backing the stoner, fuck me dead. (Thanks for the support Dsy).

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I'm saying it's your choice what you do, but ultimate you MUST take RESPONSIBILITY for your own actions.


Whether or not I hurt anyone by growing my own weed and smoking it between myself and a few mates is irrelevant - If I'm caught, I broke the law, I face the penalty.


im exactly the same, i know the laws im breaking by growing and am willing to face the charges if/when i get caught....i wouldnt cave in to police pressure by informing them of where i got my cuttings, seeds, etc. i'd just tell them that I'm the one who got caught and am willing to face the punishment, i wouldnt reduce my punishment by getting others in trouble at all....


My mother in law is heaps paranoid about me growing a bit of pot, infact when we moved house, she told me that i cant grow anymore :thumbdown she was all like "it brings too much attention to the house, do you wanna get robbed again, etc." for like an hour untill i told her that im growing no matter what and because we moved into an area where we know no dealers, i now have to grow twice as much B) sure she was completely pissed off about that, severly pissed off might better describe he mood at the time lol to ease her growing anger and frustration, i told her in the event of us getting raided, i would take complete responsiblity for every single leaf, plant, bud or anything the police deem as illegal, she could plead ignorance and i'll say i hid everything from my mrs so the both of them would walk free in the event i got busted....


sure it would really suck to get raided, but i would take full responsibility for every single blade of leaf in the house and take the punishment that was given to me...i wouldnt involve another person to get reduced time, i wouldnt plead for money to cover my legal costs or anything like that....i know the laws, i know what punishment to expect and because im willing to take the risk of breaking those laws regarding marijuana, i am also prepared to suffer the consiquences of my actions....


"Perception of the stoner is 99.99999% of the battle we fight for legalization, these people do nothing to make us seem like "normal" citizens to the uneducated mass-populace."


that and the government thinks anyone who makes money without paying their fair share of tax is evil, corrupt and must be shut down asap :thumbdown

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I have no sympathy for people who grow or are involved with weed for financial gain, there is a difference growing a couple of oz extra for your mates and having NINETEEN KILOS


neither do I ... well actually I do ... I dont do it commercially but if I got caught I would shut up and take the pain .... its pathetic to whine about the law penalising you for something you knew full well would happen .... yes its fuckin tough law but you are talking about a HUGE gain these people were making - still i do feel sorry they were busted .. but a bit contemptous when i hear its over something like stealing the leccky ... dumb!


if you grow commercially, or deal commercially .. you should just ... excuse the expression ... fuckin cop it.



sure it would really suck to get raided, but i would take full responsibility for every single blade of leaf in the house and take the punishment that was given to me...i wouldnt involve another person to get reduced time


same wantda ... doesn't get much worse than that mate and if you were doing it commercially, then I would guess the people you turned in wouldn't appreciate it either .. could be dangerous to the health if for no other reason .. like having principles lol


and hey mate, your MIL ... doesn' t it worry you she may worry out loud to one of her mates over yer grow? badaBa BadaBing ... know it would keep me awake ( :reallyexcited: oh yeh, I dont have a MIL anymore ... wheeee!)


if I go over the speed limit and get a ticket that is my problem for breaking the law.
.. that''s what i'm talking about B)
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