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Magistrate attitude

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From a regional news paper (Vic).


I wont quote the whole thing, but the story was a 24 year old man was charged with trafficking. House was searched and 15 grams found, some bags, and a 'hand written list of names and how much they owed(!) him'.

He was charged with trafficking, possessing and using cannabis; plus handling stolen goods.

Ok and the punishment was 4 mths jail to be served as an intensive correction order in the community. At least 12 hours work a week for four months.


Now the part that sticks with me is what the magistrate said..


Magistrate _ _ said he took a dim view of drug traffickers as they started people off on a life of misery.

"There is little doubt in my mind that the smoking of (marijuana) by young people brings on psychiatric illnesses," _ _ said.


The first statement is like - which came first, the seed or the flower.

The second statement is something even the most esteemed (sic) phychiatrists cannot answer. Or perhaps this magistrate went to medical school first, then onto law school.. :scratchin:

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