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I'm drawing air under the door of the gr and wondered if you could do the same - haven't needed to use an intake fan at all - seems like plenty comes in under the door.


If you get yourself a small portable a/c like mine ($340) you could vent it strainght into the ceiling ... maybe run a length of ducting around the roof space before it gets outside - as you've decided (like I did) after making one hole in the ceiling ya may as well go for 2 !




- I have 2 whirlybirds on my roof and its still as hot and humid as hell up there .. even on a mildly sunny day - I don't think the extra heat from your grow room is gonna make that much difference up there but I stuck on an extra whirlybird to be sure. Its also dealt with the smell problem completely ... but you do need to transfer the hot air in the ducting exhaust well away from your intake




if you use the window as an intake, have you considered how to stop light blazing out of it? you've got a lotta light planned


good luck with the plans and grow lol


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hey ozmade,


Venting strait into the roof with out one of those whirlybird u should be able to get away with as thay do breath and u wouldent get any back presser imo...


i'll give it a run b4 i cut a hole in from the roof + see how she goes. Much rather avoid avoid it if i can - will most likely botch it anyway!



Howdy Mushaman,


Thanks for stopping by.


The 2 problems I see from drawing air under the door is firstly I want to weatherstrip under the door + get it as light tight as possible. I'm sure air would still get thru but this leads me to my other issue which is will there be enough fresh air + co2 if there isnt a steady supply? The room will be in a new house so is well sealed.


Also, would this labour the fan? don't want to come home to a burnt out motor + a possible burnt out crop.


Guess I should say that i am fairly new to growing and I know experience is everything in this game. So I want all the advice I can get from experienced growers. The cpl of small grows I have been involved in though have taught me that setting up as best you can + being prepared is paramount. For this set up I want to be running 3000w + be able to leave it for 3 days at a time without checking. my life is too busy at the moment to be having to do patch up jobs + the like. Hoping it can be a long term project so don't mind spending a few extra $ now to avoid stress + also to create the best environment for growing that I can without co2.


Just bought a portable air con. haven't picked it up so don't know how the ducting works but was hoping i would be able to run it's exhaust duct to just under a horizontally mounted carbon filter. I can't run any ducting in the roof cavity though. It's a flat roof with only a 40cm gap from ceiling plaster to steel roof + there are timber beams as wide as this gap running the entire length of the roof. They are only 60cm apart so not a lot of room to move up there.


This is the problem with exhausting + intaking from the ceiling/roof - I can't really seperate the intake from the exhaust. Not too mention that even if i could find fresh air up there somewhere how hot will it be?


So i think I have to go the window. Would like to discuss more though the idea of how relevant is a good supply of fresh air? And how much do you really need to have optimum results (without co2 enhancement).


If I intake from the window i would build something like in this overgrow thread




all the best,


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that window design is cool .. but i'm no carpenter .. virtual hanyman dunce ... too hard for me :peace:


weatherstrip under the door + get it as light tight as possible

I hung a long dark blanket from above the door down to the floor .... it totally lightproofs from the outside and I get plenty of air into the GR - part of my strategy was to create positive airflow under the GR door so that all smell would be dealt with inside the GR and out into the roof ..


does the area outside your GR door get good airflow? or could it? how much gap do you have under the GR door? new places usually doors fit tight ... but if you were worrying about light getting out, then i assume air could get in ... the blanket I drapped behind my door has enough length so that it actually gets sucked away from the door with the airflow ... but its long enough that it still touches the floor - you could use a strip of pandafilm across the bottom edge of your door maybe?


sounds like you could fit ducting .. 200mm/250mm ... in the space you have in the roof? not easy to set up .. but once its done :smoke


:scratchin but the window seems the logical choice ...trying to suck 'fresh' air from the roof won't work (imo)



don't want to come home to a burnt out motor + a possible burnt out crop

you need to buy good quality continuous rated fans .... I run mine 24/7 and I keep an eye on them although prob don't need to worry. good store on ebay - ozfans i think.



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hey wildflower thanks for dropping in - have heard of exhausting back into the house + think its a great idea. only problem is heading into summer i don't think i'll be able to do that. onto that during winter for sure though.


g'day mushaman. if i don't have to use that window + can seal it up i would be a happy primate. i'm no builder either so i know where your coming from re the handyman skills. have decided i will do some test runs. will be able to get into the room with a cpl of fans in the next week or so. i'll cut into the ceiling for the exhaust + run the fans at different speeds to see how the under the door thing goes. will be able to crack the window slightly aswell to see the difference it makes.


i think this will give me a better idea on which way to go. thanks again for the tips + will report back once i've played around a bit.




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