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Watering by hand during flower

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As I water by hand -- and so far so good, although sometimes I have wilting - I was wondering if there was guideline like for eg. 1 litre per 1 metre of plant in flower every 24 hr?


I'm still experimenting 4 weeks into flower - most of my 5 plants are around 150cm - 200cm and i sometimes give them about 3 litres each every 48 hrs or about 1 litre evry 24 hrs? They are in like 15''/15" deep/diameter pots in coco medium. Temp is 22c-24c.


I was wondering if there was like a rule of thumb for how much and how frequent to hand water without under or over watering?

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Hi M8,


.kayanow.....I'm still experimenting 4 weeks into flower - most of my 5 plants are around 150cm - 200cm and i sometimes give them about 3 litres each every 48 hrs or about 1 litre evry 24 hrs? They are in like 15''/15" deep/diameter pots in coco medium.


I grow in 100% Coco & have smaler pots than you 7"x7"x9" deep (square pots) and I have a watering can wich holds 500ml. I water 1 can (500ml) per plant & on occassions water till I get 'run-off' out the bottoms of the pots.


i sometimes give them about 3 litres each every 48 hrs or about 1 litre evry 24 hrs


I think your 'drooping' is from overwatering.Coco holds water very well and you should "let it dry right out". I test the weight of the pots by lifting them up and feeling the weight to tell if there is water in them. Is that goin to be too hard for you due to the size of the pots ?


even though the surfae looks dry alot of wate/nutes are hel in the bfotom of the pots.


Goodluck kayanow :smoke

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Thanks nitram - think your'e right, I might be a bit over zealous with the watering. I also try to water until it comes out the bottom but the pots are probably too big (20L, i think?)- so it takes like 3 or more litres each and their heavy to lift ! Also i just found out that sometimes being root bound causes good flowering? It's a trial and error thing for me -- so now i'll try less watering and see how that goes? Cheers
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Also i just found out that sometimes being root bound causes good flowering?


who ever gave you that advice should be shot ;) when the plants are rootbound (and i know this from experience) the buds dont fill out no where near as good as they would if the roots had enough room to grow....seriously if your only using small pots, vege the plants for a shorter amount of time and then flower them....you might need more plants and pots to fill out your grow area but in the end it'll definately be worth it :(


As I water by hand -- and so far so good, although sometimes I have wilting - I was wondering if there was guideline like for eg. 1 litre per 1 metre of plant in flower every 24 hr?


i too water by hand, and get drooping of the plants....it usually only happens when the lights are off or when the plants really need a drink or get too much of a drink....


now what i do with my plants is water them untill water comes out the bottom and just wait untill the pots are extremely light and the plants really need a watering....once i have worked that out, i usually water them the day before their water runs out and my plants are as happy as can be :P i flush the pots out once a week with around 2L of pH adjusted water and feed them mid week with around 500mL of full strength nutes and havent had any problems doing that :blink:

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Wantda, when you say "now what i do with my plants is water them untill water comes out the bottom and just wait untill the pots are extremely light and the plants really need a watering....once i have worked that out, i usually water them the day before" -- was wondering what medium your using? And if you know by now how long it takes for them to suck up the water? In other words do you water like 3 times a week? more or less?


Because of confined space it's hard for me to lift each pot to test the weight - I think the pots are 20 litres - so i just thought someone may have worked out a guideline of how much water a plant needs according to it's height, pot volume and medium.


But as nitram advised I think Im overwatering because the pots I have lifted are dam heavy and leaves are generally a little droopy, as coco does seem to hold water forever. I'm thinking maybe I only need to water/feed twice a week eg. sun and wed, then flush on sat

ie. water/feed one day, wait two days, flush, wait one day, water/feed, wait two days flush etc -- just as an experiement to see if it's more healthy growth?


On that note after flushing on the recommended 7th day, is it best to wait until almost dry to water-feed again (eg 24-48hrs), or is it recommended to immediately water with nutes after the flushing?


I'm also wondering if it isn't more beneficial to flush twice each week, instead of once eg water/feed, wait two days flush, (repeat)?

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Hi kayanow,


Wantda..... when you say "now what i do with my plants is water them untill water comes out the bottom


You should still water till it goes to "run off" (come out the bottom)


just wait untill the pots are extremely light and the plants really need a watering....Because of confined space it's hard for me to lift each pot to test the weight - I think the pots are 20 litres


Big pots .... :blink: .....you have difficulty lifting when dry never mind when wet. :scratchin


so i just thought someone may have worked out a guideline of how much water a plant needs according to it's height, pot volume and medium



Due to different enviromental conditions, and grow styles such as mediums I doubt if you can get this info. It would be 'individual' for all. :smoke


But as nitram advised I think Im overwatering because the pots I have lifted are dam heavy and leaves are generally a little droopy, as coco does seem to hold water forever.


"Seem too hold forever" is not the word - with that amount of Coco (20Lt) IT DOSE/WILL have approximately 80% retention. Christ.....hell....... what a big Tree you are trying to grow.


I'm thinking maybe I only need to water/feed twice a week eg. sun and wed, then flush on sat


I'd be thinking that too may be too much as well (3 x 3Lts = 9Lts in a week) .

What are you flushing for ? That would only add more water & add to your "overwatering troubles". :P


I'm still experimenting 4 weeks into flower - most of my 5 plants are around 150cm - 200cm and i sometimes give them about 3 litres each every 48 hrs or about 1 litre evry 24 hrs?


I would not worry about "flushing" but if you do wish too - just before harvest use plain water or PH'ed what ever you prefer..........In your case you woulwd not really bennifit from flushing with that much coco - You'll never get residual nut out of the Coco.


You say you are 4 weeks into flower. How long to chop ?

This will give us an idea of how many waters you have to go (if any).

I'd lay right off the water/feed !


All I can add, is if your 5 plants are around 150cm - 200cm (59"-78" or 5 foot to 6 foot tall) tall you should grow in smaller pots. I don't mean it in a bad way @ all. Yes, a bigger plant means a bigger yeild. It is either that or a change of medium (ie added course perlite), compost or you could consider a change in 'style of growing' (ie. go to SCROG - helps with limited space & improves yield). Your plants at 150 -200 cm is 5 feetto 6 foot plus.


I put a pic of my plants flowering in Coco in 7"x 7" x 9" (inch) deep (18cmx18cm x 23cm deep) and is 3 foot heigh (tall).




This plant is about 3' (foot) tall....it is possibly 1/2 he size of yours.....Do you know the strain of your plant out of interes re: finishing time ... (ie Satvia ????).

The one in the pic above is a 50%/50% hybrid (Idica dom/Satvia).


Lastly something not mentioned yet..............R you indoors or outdoors ? :scratchin

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Wow thanks for that detail. Im growing indoors. I've grown from bag seed - did I mention that ?so the first six weeks was just veging. It looks like two are sativa ie. very thin dark green leaves and the other 3 are indica or hybrids, I think. Yeah, I'm 180cm - 5'11" and one plant in it's pot is a foot taller than me!, whereas the plant with the biggest bud growth is actually the smallest (indica?) - around 4 ft! Even though i've kept a fan on them most of the time, a couple still have thin stems and small bud growth -- compared to the smallest, thickest plant and another about 6' . That pic -- is that from a clone? And how old is it? When most of mine were that height they didn't have any flowers. Also I forgot to say a week ago i started using some stuff from the hydro store which is supposed to slow vertical growth during flower and it seems to be working - just 1ml per 5 litres ! I've decided to give a good water/feed on one day/ two days nothing/ water/feed/two days nothing/flush/ two days nothing and see how that goes for the remaining 4 weeks. Yeah, I was afraid those plants were going to hit the ceiling by harvest time -- but with too much stem and not enough bud!
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Wow thanks for that detail. Im growing indoors.

Your welcome ;)


kayanow........That pic -- is that from a clone?
Yep, from clone.
And how old is it?
4 weks veging then 12/12 for 45-50 days.

It's all over in a flash :reallyexcited:



one plant in it's pot is a foot taller than me!, whereas the plant with the biggest bud growth is actually the smallest (indica?) - around 4 ft!


A top mix. :thumbsup The trouble is when your flowring indoors the finishing times will be longer for the Satvia's (larger plant (6'-7'), with thin bladed leaves, light airy buds with approx 10 -15 weeks flowering to finish indoors) than or the Indica's (smaller fatter leaf with chunkyer buds, short 4' - 5'with minimum 45-50 Days flowering to finish), but nothing you cant get by on.


I grow both varities too. The Satvia for it hallucinagenictic, energy head buz & uphoric high characteriastics when smoked It's my out and party smoko) and the Indica for its heady, laydown and dreamy qualities ("couch lock" DVD watching material). Like I said - a bloody good collection having both varieties.





Now back to watering - having such large pots with Coco I'm visualizing you may have to water/feed about once per week. Only a guestimate. Another way is to let the plant pick up from it's droop state (recover) watch it closly & it will tell you it wants to have a drink as it will become droopy once more.


Getting to know your plant I call it - I spend hours in the GR with a pad and pen writing my notes in a 'Dairy'..... Yea, I "mumble" away tallking to em. I got 8 in 12/12 at a time. The turnaround is quick (45-50 days) with the next round veging under a second 400w HID light. Hell what a hobbie tbh :(


Also I forgot to say a week ago i started using some stuff from the hydro store which is supposed to slow vertical growth during flower and it seems to be working - just 1ml per 5 litres !


Possibly PK13/14 - Phosphorous (13%) & Poassium (14%) clear white liquid in a red& white labled bottle with a note on it to use @ 3 weeks prior to finish & dosage 1-2 ml per Lt. TTTTTTTTTTTooopp Stuff & just what your 6'-7'ers needed to pull em up. Hopegully it will fatten up your buds and give them a nice sweet taste. :xcited



CYA on the boards

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