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Accidental clones

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For the experts: I accidentally broke the ends of 4 branches while moving them around. They are 4"-6" in length with 4 week old buds -- but fairly small without any coating of resin because they are from the bottom of the plants. I dipped the stalk ends in indole butyric acid - root strike and stuck them in little pots of coco coir in the 2x400w 12/12 light cycle grow room- 3 days ago.


My questions are: should I have just dried them out to smoke? Or will they grow into separate plants and produce maturer buds under the present conditions ?or is the light to strong and do I need to put them back in a humid cupboard with a fluro back on the 18/6 cycle for a few weeks? :scratchin


What would you guys do?

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i once had a friend tell me that if you cut off a bud, root it like you would a cutting and then continue to grow the plant, it will basically grow into an enormous bud :blink:


the fact of the matter is, if the cuttings you took have a viable grow tip and are being vegged, the cutting will eventually drop the buds off and continue to grow into a normal plant after a bit of fucking around while being re-vegged....


personally, i'd keep the cuttings under a fluro for the first 2-3 weeks of growth....it'll be much easier on the plants to get a decent rootball growing and hopefully it'll keep them alive and kicking untill your crop finishes....if that happens, i would put the cuttings straight into the grow room for a week or 2 of vege then straight to flowering as it will give you another harvest in only a couple of months :thumbsup

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the cuttings are gonna have to reveg in a different light cycle to the 12/12 ... I'm also not one of the experts but I'm pretty sure you will need to put the cuttings on 18/6 or 24/7 and start feeding them vegging nutes until they root and then you can re-flower them - so its likely to take around 3-4 weeks for them to switch back to vegging befre they root properly - after that you can re-flower them - possibly could take longer - thats where the expert advice is needed - but theres no doubt that it can happen. WOuld suggest you move them to fluros also


I was reading a post about turbo tanks yesterday and it seems their system is all about taking cuttings during flowering ... at the right time.... I think they said optimum time was 3 weeks before harvest and use the lower immature branches/tips - sorry cant think of the post topic right now but it does lend hope for your cause :blink:

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I dont know if you can root a budding cutting with out re-veging but you can clone a cutting that is in bud, it just takes a little longer, i my self have just a few days back put put my cuttings in my grow, the cuttings were taken from a plant that was about 4 weeks into bud it took about 14 days for them to show the roots out of the rock wool cubes i had them under 2 18w cf 24/7...
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Thanks for that guys. :thumbsup I ended up putting the shorter heavily budded branch ends in water just to try out that 7 day water cure as I don't think I've ever tried water cured bud :blink: -- even though the buds still had 3 weeks or so to peak.


The other two - actually their about 8 inches long - I'll put back under the 2x18w fluro's for 24/7 to veg before flowering them. They are in small seedling pots in coco right now.


kaya :P

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