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Need some help please

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Germinated 10 seeds, they sprouted and they are 7 - 10 days old, depending on the ones that sprouted first etc.


It has been a loooong time since I done this so I dont remember shitall.

Some of them look wilted and a couple of them have yelowing and dying of the first serated leaves, some of the very first rounded leaves are purplish, not many though. I dunno they just overall don't look that healthy to me.


What do you think is causing the ends of the leaves to yellow and die?


They are growing in rockwool cubes, the water was Ph adjusted before puttin em in. I haven't fed them any nutes yet cause I was told to leave it for the first couple of weeks. They are under 3 normal household flurescent 2 ft tubes. They range from 1-2 inches tall (too streched?), the ones that have the roots growing throught the little cubes have ben moved to the bigger cubes. The surface of the rockwool is damp but it doesnt look that wet.


Any help will be greatly appreciated, im worried my little girls are gonna die on me.

Edited by Nikki
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Heya Nikki


I've sprouted quite a few seeds recently and have seen a few of mine go like that ... not growing Hashplant are you? sorry can't remember from your other post ... have you let the rockwool dry out at all ? I mean for a whole day or anything ... I have sat all my cubes in trays and kept it topped up so that there was always a tiny level of water at the bottom of the cube ... til they showed roots, then I stuck those in plastic cups of perlite + added a small amount of water every day, which had all gone by the end of the day - after 2 weeks, gave 'em very weak nutes ... that method suits my system ... again, can't recall how you're growing once you get em ready...


all I can think of is that it may be to do with water ... too much or too little - or possibly strain related .. I got 2 out of 3 stains to germinate and failed miserably on the 3rd ... I wasn't the only one tho i later read -


if the leaves go yellow, I've read, and there doesn't seem to be any other reason, I reckon give em very dilute nutes ... like 1/4 or 1/3 ... after a couple of weeks, I think its also ok to give a drop/litre of rooting hormone .... but then I'm a newbie thats going on first grow experience (+I've done my grow service for the night and I've had a few spliffs while reading/typing here :smoke ),

so I'd wait for the experienced advice to roll in :blink:


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Thx for the reply Mushaman. I was thinking that perhaps it had something to do with over or under watering. For some reason I find it so hard to tell if the cube is damp, soaked or just dry on top. I'm gfrowing ice and moving them to HID in about a week or so, assuming they don't die on me.


The only reason I could find yelowish dying leaf tips was too much nutes but sseings as they arent receiving any....

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Firstly the picture needs to be in JPEG (*.jpg) format and 102400 bytes (100 kilobytes) or less in size. If the picture is in another format I usually open it in Paint (Start/Programs/Accessories/Paint) and then use File, Save As, Save as type, to save the picture in JPEG (*.JPG,~~~*.JFIF) format. If the picture is still too large then I copy and paste the important part to a new file (File/New) and save it again. To copy a part of the picture I select the dotted rectangular frame from the top right of the menu on the left of the screen, I then frame the part of the picture I want to post (hold left mouse button down and drag the pointer), right click the mouse inside the frame and select copy from the menu that appears, open a new file (File/New don’t save any changes if asked), right click on the white bit of the screen and select paste from the menu, save the file and if small enough post it.


You don’t need to take a lot off a photo to reduce it enough to post but it may take a few tries to get it to the right size sometimes, I get slack and cut a big chunk out first go so they usually come up well under the limit.



I then go to the Oz Stoners topic I wish to reply to and click on the “New Reply” button (or start a New Topic) and type my message, the forums that allow pictures have a panel at the bottom of the screen (above the Post New Reply/Topic button) with the title “File Attachments”, you click on the “Browse…” button and then locate the picture to be uploaded on your hard drive and click “Open”, you will notice the path and file name in the window next to the “Browse…” button, (I have a dedicated folder and sub-folders on my hard drive just for pictures), you then click on attach file (you can attach several to a post). When you have finished your post just click the Post New Reply/Topic button and the picture will be uploaded to Oz Stoners and included in your post.


There are other file formats for picture uploads but I only use JPEG myself.

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Yeah, I agree with Hanky, maybe too much water in the cube or your PH adjusted water was too alkaline.

Did you adjust the water to around 5.5-6.0 PH?....you should do this because rockwool cubes are very alkaline and need to be slightly acid for anything to survive in them.

Its a good idea to add some Superthrive to your PH adjusted water as well to give them a little extra boost.

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