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Dr's certificate for Medical Cannabis Patients



I hope this comes in handy for fellow NSW patients, I carry one in my wallet at all times -


Standard form (PDF - file size: 52kb - paper size: A4) for doctors to sign (with wording relevant to NSW patients), identifying a patient as potentially benefiting from cannabis. Generally for the purpose of encouraging police to use their discretion to decline arresting a patient by providing somewhat legitimate cause. Note: not a legal document, a police officer may still decide to arrest & charge. Contains a harm minimisation clause.


Edited by Brash
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I've been chronically sick for nearly four years and the only thing that helps is cannabis, my doctor isn't aware of the form, I'm Victorian and wondering if anyone knew where I could find a copy and he said he would be more than happy to sign it. Is it even available for Vic?

Or if anyone out there might have an idea as to why I've been vomiting up to 20 times a day and have constant nausea, frequent fevers and sever abdominal pain, please share your thoughts with me. Its been nearly four years and I'm only 22 and forseeing my 30th birthday. I just want some things thrown at me so I can eliminate everything.

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If you read this thread you would see there is a copy on the 1st post for med certificates... if youre sick, go find a Doctor




I've seen it but it seems to be for NSW and my doctor can't find a Victorian one. I've been sick for nearly 4 years, don't worry, I've seen hundreds of doctors and still no closer to a solution.

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the form isn't 'official' unless a doc' actually signs it, u can change the state names to suit.

it's whether a doc' is willing to put their name to it that makes it worth the paper it's printed on.

most docs/police/etc will just laugh at it,some will look at it w' 'some interest but ultimately not take it seriously & one out of every X-amount will actually sign it.


most cops wouldn't give it the time of day regardless of signature(s) due to there being so few ppl allowed to smoke weed for medicinal reasons in Australia (let alone the world)

i applaud the Op for giving it a go & if he or anyone else benefits from it then i think it's a plus for the good guys.

honestly though, u would have to find one hell of a doc' to put their name to it due to the ramifications if one was arrested w' weed on them & said doc' had to front up to court toverify they signed said form.

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Have spoken to my doctor, he's happy to fill it out as long as I can get my hands on one. And you can't just get a similar peice of paper and make it semi-official, then of course the police will laugh at you. Everyone has different relationships with people depending on personality, and my doctor has become my friend too so he's willing to do anything to help me out because he knows the suffering I go through daily, the same as many others who use cannabis for medicinal purposes. You seem to just be putting down the idea pacificrim.. Brash isn't stupid, he knows what he's talking about. I just need a Vic Cert that's all!!



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