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Removing males and Pollen

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just wondering if anyone knows at what stage the pollen in the male pods is mature enough to pollenate the girls ? I have removed all the males at very very early stages using a magnifying glass ... however, I have hung em and dried em and that means the fan has circulated air all around these immature drying males ... just worrying that leaving them drying in the growroom may risk some of the pollen circulating


none of the pods ever got anywhere near actually opening ... but they're still hangin around in the grow room ... is this a risk or no worry?


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Best and safest thing to do is take them out of the grow room and burn them unless of course you intend to harvest the pollen.

Airborne pollen will end up on your buds and you will end up with seeds which isnt so bad if they are good genetics, but a pain in the arse picking them out before you roll a joint. :thumbdown

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After what I thought was carefully extracting the males from my microgrow, I discovered come harvest time that I wasn't as careful as I should have been. Seedy bitches everywhere.


As for when they are mature enough to pollenate a lady, I wouldn't have a clue, but it was far earlier than I had originally thought.


Get them out of your grow space very very carefully.

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Get the pollen bags out of the G-room is my advice.

When i harvest pollen i place a paper bag over the branch(leaves removed) on which the pollen sacks are hanging and tie it off securely, cut off branch and place in dark, dry place.

check progress of pollen sacks by using torch to see the silloette off pollen sacks, when they are open polllen is at it's most viable.

shake vigorously, then remove the branch and you have a pollen-lined paper bag to place over the chosen bud site,(firstly removing all leaves) tie it off shake around and leave for 3-4 days this allows any un-used pollen to die. remove pollen bag and discard.

ensure paper bags are taped along their seam as moisture can affect glue used on seam


This method has proven very successful for me, rarely causing any stray pollenations.


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thanks everyone - really trying to keep everyone totally pure ... there'll be no breeding in my growroom .. not this time anyway ... well, hopefully not. I've had 2 dead boys hanging in front of an osi fan and they've just finished drying ... there weren't any properly formed pollen sacs so I'll just have to hope that the damage isn't already done .. it'll be WW and NL pollen so if it has already happened I guess I'll try being philosophical :angry:


anyway, all traces of maleness are now out ... waiting waiting ... got the tubs flushing at the moment so I'm posting a few pix then back at it .. wouldn't wanna end up water curing my grow room :whistling

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