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Flowering plants stop growing

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My plants have been in flower for about 4 weeks now and have stopped showing any sign of growth for the last 2 weeks. I am feeding them Yates Tomato food, and they look green and healthy, just no growth.....:P

Also there may have been a hermie in there, so the plants may have been pollinated, I dont know. Would this stop growth?

I will post some picks sortly.

Any ideas?

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if it's been pollinated , looks good still , and slowed down in growth , you can bet ya life your growin some seeded bud  :P  ..... me thinks


Yeah, it will be the hermie.


Buds seem to slow down their development early after polliation (or so I theorise from my current and previous grow). They will start to fill out again, but they seem to "stunt" for between 1-2 weeks.


I think removing the hermie will allow your plants to concentrate more on getting bigger rather than making more and more seeds... get rid of the bastard if possible :P

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Eikel ..........Buds seem to slow down their development early after polliation (or so I theorise from my current and previous grow). They will start to fill out again, but they seem to "stunt" for between 1-2 weeks.


I'm making a mental note in some neuron about this one and putting in nearby with the one on what show you if you need a new bulb. I had a poor rowth at about 4 weeks followed by a fattening up. a poor yield followed so got me thinking how old was my bulb. Sure enough overdue.



I guess organic3000 will find some seed pods if it has been pollinated. dose he know he had a hermie ?


Also there may have been a hermie in there, so the plants may have been pollinated, I dont know.


Surely the test will be looking for a pod or 10 on he plant(s). :P


No growth in 2 weeks is a while.


Do you know how old your bulb is organic3000 ?



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