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My miracle grow story

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Thanks to the help I've had from some of you guys and this forum I was able to save five poor seedlings, and not only that almost 10 weeks later some are almost 6 ft tall!


Fistly when I planted them I had no idea what I was doing as my mate whose suggestion it was suddenl moved interstate.


I had planted 8 seeds in perlite in little pots under a 400 w hps, (about 30 cm above) which would have cooked them apparently. But thanks to help from guys like labrat and animal after 2 days I took them out before sprouting.


I left the seeds on a ledge in the bathroom and over 24 hrs later noticed they were starting to germinate -- that was on a Sunday morning. So, in a panic following suggestions from labrat, animal etc on this forum I had to cycle around ending up at Bunnings where I bought some rock wool squares, coco coir (suggested by labrat, I think) and because I couldn't afford their fluro's, I bought a car repair light -- 12 w.


Two, I think, of the eight seeds were even showing signs of the first two leaves by the end of the day. So I replanted all of them in the aquamiser - small pots with plastic lids and gravity reservoir feed and masking taped the fluro in a cupboard above them.


Anyway only 3 didn't continue to grow. But here's the thing -- I misread directions and was feeding the seedlings 10 times the amount of nutrient ie. 40ml per litre for the first 3 weeks.


Again thanks to you guys I researched why all the new leaves were turning yellow and brown and realised I was giving them 10 times too much nutrient and burning them up from the inside out.


And that point I thought I was going to lose all five--as they were'nt growing -- just looking really sick--plus it was winter and very cold--like 10c sometimes in the cupboard--as I didn't want to have the elec radiator on 24/7!


So again I got private adice from lab and animal and flushed them with ph bal water only a couple of times and slowly fed them nutrient, bringing it up to the reccomended dosage within a week.


They started growing new fresh dark green leaves and I pruned all the yellow leaves off and they stablised really well. Then a few weeks later i transplanted them into big pots and watered them with rainwater which after adding the nute was ph balanced around 5-5.5. So I dispersed with the ph up ph down stuff.


I put a big plastic garbage bin under a cut off downpipe every time it rains to collect the water and instead of using the recirculation system, I hand water and use that pump to airate the rainwater to prevent fungus.


Anyway, cutting to the chase I added a second 400w mh and went to flower cycle over 3 weeks ago and guess what? Five females! And all very healthy! I also cloned one--just for the sake of it- and it's also looking healthy. My only question is -- how long do they continue to grow and flower? When should I harvest them?


It's just amazing how far they have come considering their start in life was pretty rough--it has been a real learning curve for me and I'm grateful for this forum--as i don't have any stoner friends where i live.



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Hey kayanow,

Sounds as though you had a dramatic initiation...10x nutes on seedlings :o , well atleast least you know they are a hearty strain lol


, I think) and because I couldn't afford their fluro's, I bought a car repair light -- 12 w.

Second hand and Junk shops have tons of fluros...normally $5-10 :o


how long do they continue to grow and flower? When should I harvest them

They will probably flower for around two months, give or take. When you harvest really depends on how ripe you like them. If picked early the THC content will be more concentrated, so you will get a more pure high....If left to ripen, some of the THC will convert to anaesthetic properties and you will get more of a "couch-lock". The "floral peak" is a happy medium When the trichome heads have swelled, and are around %50 cloudy. Or when the hairs are around %50 brown/amber.


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Im not very good at this stuff - when I first took pics about a month back they didn't turn out too well- lots of horizontal lines. Anyway I tried again, they seem ok, hopefully these will give you a better idea.


Kaya is a great Bob Marley album -- I got to see him live two nights in a row, front row seats in Adelaide, back in 76 or 77 I think totally ripped of course - fantastic!


Easy skanking, takin it easy, easy skanking, takin it slow, easy skanking, ... excuse me while I light my spliff ...



Doh! it says my file size should be reduced -- this took a long time :whistling



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I wanted to get all 5 plants in but it wasn't possible because the bathroom is so small, wall juts out etc. I took close-ups of buds, but they didn't turn out -- too bright, plus I have a really cheap camera! Hope these will give some idea!

easy skankin!


looking at the pic it's the same one only different shades lol

i'll try another


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Heya Dude


gonna wake up and turn I loose ... I've got to have Kaya now (speaking of which .. did exactly that today ... currently puffing my first and loving it )

The pix are still a little dodgy but the last looks great ... and you got 5 of 'em? happiness :thumbsup

I'll be looking forward to hearing updates.


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