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Zippo Lighters?

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I just got my new Zippo lighter... this is what, the third one my girlfriend has bought me as anniversary presents and stuff... keep losing them.

Now im of mixed opinions about Zippo's. I love them, because im a cigarette smoker aswell and they are cool for that, they arent even to bad for joints....

But has anyone ever tried to have a bong with one??? BAD IDEA....

icky taste. but the whole windproof is cool

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Yeah Zippos are nasty for bongs. If you want to save money on fluid, run your zippo on Shellite, it's a solvent that is available from most supermarkets and from bunnings. It's basically the same as naphta which is what zippo fluid is. A litre bottle costs around six bux.
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i had a zippo lighter once, only reason i bought it was it was only $10 and said a friend with weed is a friend indeed on the front of it :o


now while the whole windproof comes in real handy for ciggies and joints, using them to smoke bongs would have to be one of the most disgusting and unhealthy options to consume your marijuana....only smoked cones like that in emergencies and have usually resorted to lighting my cones from a candle instead given the chance lol


but we all grow up and learn that bic lighters come in a 3 pack for like $2 which will last any decent pot head a good 2 weeks, a much cheaper and healthier option as long as you dont hold the gas down for the entire cone :o

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I have a awesome proper zippo, has a skull with a weed leaf on its head and a pipe in its mouth as design.

Lighting pipes or bongs are a terrible idea with zippo's (don't think ive even succeded in doing it) as for joints i find it tastes bad if lit with a zippo.

Edited by Doob
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They're handy to have...when the weather is an obstacle, for lighting fires (not arsony you fool) and general lighting...stuff.


But yeah, sickly for bongs. Had to use one once. That would of been bad enough...but it was the classical homemade bong too...hose...slip in cone piece halfway down the fucking hose...was absolutely feral.

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