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Problem with one of my NL girls

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when I woke em all up today, one of the NL girls seems to have developed a partially withered section on one of the top branches - hope the photo shows it ok

Ph, TDs, Temp, Humidity .. all seem ok ... no sign of bugs ... maybe light too close ? but its limited to that one branch and there is a branch top 3" away which is closer to the light ?

any suggestions gratefully accepted :D



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maybe light too close ? but its limited to that one branch and there is a branch top 3" away which is closer to the light ?
It does look like light burn, even though the other head is physically closer to the light it may be getting cooled better by you fan and the damaged head may be more in the focus of the heat coming off the light reflector.



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thanks Tom... the only other thing I could think of was that I maybe touched or held that stem last night after I had been transplanting some rooted clones .. possibly had some residues on the gloves? not likely tho .. usually pretty careful .. I'm gonna go adjust the light now and see how the day goes

thanks again mate


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yeah it looks like light and heat damage to me, if you raise the light say 10-20cm, that problem should go away  :smoke

thanks WDC .. nice to see you round mate ... Tom suggested similar earlier so I raised the light on that side about 10cm ... due for a check in a coupla hours but I'm guessing that the shrivelled bit wont snap back anyway ... :D

thx again


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