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First Grow, advice appreciated.

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Grew once before, too damn long ago to remember (4 years is too long as far as my memory is concerned) :P


Using Coconut Coir for medium in 14 inch pots.

1 x 600W HPS for Veg then adding 1 x 600W Clear Hallide (blue spec) during flowering.

Reservoir with pump and airstones.

Exhaust fans, one out, one in.

18/6 during Veg

12/12 during flowering, increasing to 14/10 4 weeks into flowering.


Need advice on the following...


I'm growing from seed, do I feed the seedlings nutes whilst under the fluro for the first 2-3 weeks?


How long should I have them Veg before I start the flowering cycle?


How many times a day should I water them and for how long at a time?


Do I need to flush the medium with plain ph adjusted water, and how often?


What should my nutes be during the whole process?


How will I know when its time to harvest?


Umm all I can think of for now :stupid: Thx.

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Hey Nikki, good to see your getting into it again. :thumbsup

1 x 600W HPS for Veg then adding 1 x 600W Clear Hallide (blue spec) during flowering

I hope you meant the other way around, Halide for veg, + HPS for flower.


I'm growing from seed, do I feed the seedlings nutes whilst under the fluro for the first 2-3 weeks?


A very weak solution of SuperThrive or Seaweed emulsion I find best.


How long should I have them Veg before I start the flowering cycle?


Really depends on how many plants you have, and the size of your grow space. But with 14" pots, it should be around a month.


How many times a day should I water them and for how long at a time?


Not sure with CoCo, I think it is similar to soil, and only needs a good watering once or twice a week, but with plenty of run-off.


Do I need to flush the medium with plain ph adjusted water, and how often?


Yeh I think Coco needs plenty of flushing.....One of the Coco people will be around soon, they'll be a bit more help. :P


How will I know when its time to harvest?

Oh, you'll know.....It really depends on how ripe you like them. If picked early the THC content will be more concentrated, so you will get a more pure high....If left to ripen, some of the THC will convert to anaesthetic properties and you will get more of a "couch-lock". The "floral peak" is a happy medium When the trichome heads have swelled, and are around %50 cloudy.........You will need a pocket microscope. :stupid:

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