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slow release potting mix

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hey guys,


i just recently put out a bunch of lowryders outdoors in this seedling raising mix, the only bad thing is that it contains the dreaded words- slow release fertiliser on it. will this be a problem for the taste of the buds when i harvest, as at the moment the only potting mix i can access has slow release fertiliser- brunnings premium coco coir or something? the thing is that lowryder is ready in like 9 weeks so im worried that the fertiliser taste might filter into the buds and im not too keen on smoking chemcals...any advice would be greatly appreciated.


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thanks for that tom and animal. Out of curiosity, has anyone ever tried weed that has been grown in slow release fertiliser and if so, was it smokeable??? Also, can you perform like an extra flush to get rid of the nasties come harvest?




Yeah it smokes fine still but it has a bit of a taste to it I found but only slightly, If your concerned use a final flushing product like final rinse in the last week which should sort your protential problem out



fyi though the amount of minerals released in that short period is very minimal so a normal flush will still do allot of the job for you

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Generally the slow release fertilisers contained in potting mix is osmocote. If that is the case it will be fine.
No, it won't, Osmocote takes 3 months to break down, Lowryder finishes in 9 weeks so there would still be at least 3 weeks of slow release fertiliser left in the soil and it is very difficult to get rid of.


Pretty sure we had to deal with a slow release fertiliser problem in the Pipemans first grow topic, there's a link to it in my signature.



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There are nutrients in any soil mix that won't be broken down at harvest time. That doesn't mean you can taste them in your buds.


But you are blending two separate issues here, one of plant health and one of bud taste. They are separate issues. But as it turns out, the answer to both is the same, there is nothing wrong with osmocote in your soil mix.

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Now I understand why Tom has such an issue with anyone advocating osmocote...
I think you need to read that again, the post was made 2 1/2 years ago and was referring to the past then, as usual Pippy your grow advice is flawed, we have discussed the effects of your advice on new growers before haven't we? Look that up and take some of those comments on board before you stuff up any more grows.



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