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New grower needs some help on lighting

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Hey power if there is a style of grow u have come across so far reading through the forum and are interested in trying (as there a few diffrent styles of indoor growing) just ask away about that one and all the ppl that growen like that in a large or a small area will help you out in what ever way thay can...


But my personal choice for a 1st time indoors grower is run to waste setup as it is the most easyest one to set up as you dont need to get all the fancy doodads, you just decide on what medium you want to use and mix up ya nutes and work out a feedin times depending what medium you use as some need a bit more feeding than others do as some hold moisture longer than others do, so yer just ask away and ppl will do there best to help...

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Advice about run to waste given by Ozmade in the above post , is "pure gold" and i couldn't agree more.

With something simple like that you couldn't go wrong.


also worth reading is a grow diary of the illustrious "pipeman", a self confessed "black-thumb",where you will see most of the problems of a first time grow indoors.

It covers many points of hownotto grow, a link to it can be found in Tom's signature as" Pipeman's first grow". If nothing else it's great for a laugh :P



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Yeah, I remember seeing a pic of Pipemans cloning chamber ::P: ....it was a clear plastic setup with the fluro's and all the 240 volt electrical fittings inside it :reallyexcited:

Tom and I tried to explain to him that it would be wise to have the electrics outside the cloning chamber away from the condensation if he wanted to live to harvest his crop...he took a bit of convincing that water and volts dont mix :P

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