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Sniffer Dogs FAIL!!!!

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The NSW Council of Civil Liberties is looking at stamping out ALL sniffer dogs in NSW :thumbsup


Apparently 70-80% of positive detections end without a single bit of evidence of drugs at all so the sniffer dogs are basically useless :(


The council says its police harrassment to have a sniffer dog smell you up and down, expecially considering 70-80% of all positive results given by the dogs are false postives....


The police are whinging (as to be expected) demanding that the dogs stay on as they play a valuable role in the war on drugs and stamping them out will open the way for dealers and traffickers....


I'm not sure if they meant all public sniffer dogs like at train stations, etc. or if it also includes the customs dogs as well...


I got the story from Sky News Active last night, jeez i need a laptop so i can get the full story when its on :peace:

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Someone should soak some good weed in water and then fill a spray bottle. Then procede to walk around sydney and spray random suit wearing victims.


Sit back and watch the fun begin.


heres another idea, you know those shitty wagons police pick u up in if you have done something wrong? fill a 600mL coke bottle with bong water, walk upto the the back and push it through the tiny holes with the neck of the bottle :;):


just make sure to take the bottle with you :peace:


or get the spray bottle and go on all forms of public transport covering the place from the floor to the roof :thumbsup


it should be done now i reckon, imagine how nuts the dogs will go and considering the spotlight they are in now, it just might seal it for us :(

Edited by wantdachronic
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some useful info from the CCL (Council for Civil Liberties) website:


Know your legal rights


Where can police use sniffer dogs?


Police are only authorised to use drug sniffer dogs to search people randomly in three situations:


in pubs & other places where alcohol is served

at entertainment events, including sporting events, concerts, dance parties & street parades

on public transport and stations

Any drug search of a person outside these situations is illegal unless the police have a reasonable suspicion or a warrant.


If you have been appraoched by a police sniffer dog team, or know of police using dogs outside these areas, you should complain or report it.


What should I do if I am approached by a sniffer dog?


You should STAY CALM. You could be fined or arrested if you swear at the police. So do not give the police an excuse to arrest you - stay calm. Do not kick or hurt the dog. Police have been known to charge people with cruelty to animals if they hurt the sniffer dog.


Ask the police why they are searching you. Take note of where (location) and when (time of day) you are searched. Ask the police officer for his or her name, rank and police station.


If you are charged with an offence you should give your name and address if the police ask for it. You do not have to say anything beyond your name and address until you have sought legal advice. This is your right to silence.


If you are not charged with an offence, you do not have to give police your name and address (unless you are a witness to a 'serious offence', such as drug supply). However, if police insist that you give them your details, then CCL recommends that you co-operate with the police. You should ask the police why they need your details and you should report this to CCL, the NSW Ombudsman or a lawyer.


You should also complain if the dog touches you or if the police are overly aggressive, rude or in any way rough you up.


Where can I get legal advice?


You can get legal advice and support from:


your local community legal centre. Website: www.nswclc.org.au

NSW Legal Aid Commission. Phone: (02) 9219-5000

Law Access NSW. Phone: 1300-888-529

Legal Aid Hotline for under 18s: 1800-101-810

a private lawyer (contact the NSW Law Society, ph: (02) 9926-0333)

CCL might also be able to help find you a lawyer

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My understanding (and I may be wrong) is that airports are federal territory and dogs used are customs & excise ones, they tend to use beagles where as the NSW dogs are mainly labradors.


The main difference is that at an airport most people may expect a search to happen, where as a search is not normally expected on suburban trains/buses.


The dogs are trained to detect specific items - as in EITHER drugs OR explosives. I personally think that in the current climate, the drug dogs should be retrained to detect explosives and firearms. Lets face it who is the biggest threat - potheads or terrorists.

Edited by Brash
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I personally think that in the current climate, the drug dogs should be retrained to detect explosives and firearms. Lets face it who is the biggest threat - potheads or terrorists.


If you ask the police or any "informed" member of government, us pot heads are buying drugs from people who finance terrorists so we are equally as dangerous, same applies if you buy a pirated movie from the local markets :stupid:

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If you ask the police or any "informed" member of government, us pot heads are buying drugs from people who finance terrorists so we are equally as dangerous, same applies if you buy a pirated movie from the local markets  :stupid:

Yes I understand the arguments put forward, but generally disagree. I assume that most of the pot I get in Sydney is grown either in Sydney or Central Coast so where is the terrorist connection?


Several years ago there was a batch of compressed heads that were rumoured to have come from bouganville and was the financial support for the insurgency there. Now my opinion is, if the Government legalized pot any potential terror connection would be lost.


Don't blame the user, blame the politicians who by keeping it illegal make it an excellent source of illicit funding.

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I assume that most of the pot I get in Sydney is grown either in Sydney or Central Coast so where is the terrorist connection?
You, :P terrorising poor politicians with your pamphlets as they go to what they like to think of as work. ::stupid::


Seriously, I think the US started the whole terrorism/drugs crap just so they would be able to abuse the terrorism laws to shut down people like Marc Emery and further persecute their own citizens, I reckon Howard is just hitching a free ride on the bandwagon in the hope of getting some sort of federal control over the drug scene, the DEA seems to be pretty well crippled without it.

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Yes I understand the arguments put forward, but generally disagree. I assume that most of the pot I get in Sydney is grown either in Sydney or Central Coast so where is the terrorist connection?


i disagree as well, i know for a fact the pot i buy helps support a dealer that has too many mouths to feed than she can afford to on the dole so she deals to help cover the costs of general living, what ever profit she makes gets smoked up :P


Seriously, I think the US started the whole terrorism/drugs crap just so they would be able to abuse the terrorism laws to shut down people like Marc Emery and further persecute their own citizens, I reckon Howard is just hitching a free ride on the bandwagon in the hope of getting some sort of federal control over the drug scene, the DEA seems to be pretty well crippled without it.


whats the longest war the USA has ever and will more than likely have? the war on drugs :thumbdown The USA decided since cack, herion, etc. come along with guns, knives and other objects that can be used as weapons, that ALL drug users are dangerous :P now because these drugos are killing people over a few rocks of crack merely because they are addicted and cant afford to feed their habbit, they are an equal threat to the community as terrorists....


fuckin stupid politicians :stupid:

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