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light question for flowering

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If thinking of buying another lamp, I'd suggest a 600w rather than a second 400, although you'd certainly get more even coverage using a second 400.


The more light, the more buds, all else being equal. So yeah, throw the 1000w over the plants if you can, but if you can afford a second 400w to space the two lamps apart over the canopy, you'll probably do very well.


One of the advantages of growing under a smaller light and bumping it up for the flowering period is that small plants need less light as they can be spaced closer together.

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highlife, its almost impossible to have to much light, so put as many of the little bastards as you can in there... Your only limiting factor is heat..

Assuming your measurements are in feet, your cab is around 0.8m/2, the average 400w hps will cover 1m/2, so your current light should be big enough, with decent ventilation you could squeeze another light in.

Maybe you need a new bulb, i've found they wont last much more than 2 years, before they lose effectiveness.



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I'll 2nd that. If you can keep your temps below 28 degrees its pretty unlikely the light levels will be too high (which is possible and will result in yourp lants getting bleached/burnt). But to get the likght levels too high and while the temperature is still under control would be pretty rare.


When you start getting over a 100watts per square foot thats when you'll start to have serious heat issues which should tell you you're overdoing it a bit...

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