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outdoor soil's ?

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Hey guys..


Well, im a bit behind schedule..


Okay, I got a fair few q’s, so here I go.. :/


Whats the best potting mix/soil ? well, not the best, but something good, can you guys name some ? prices… ?


What sort of nutrients do you give outdoor plants ?


If I grew my plants to 30cm tall under lights, on 18/6, then chucked them outdoors, the light cycle would be completely different.. and they wouldd prolly start to flower right ? what light cycle should I start my plants under, so they will continue to veg once I put them outdoors ? :rolleyes:


Cheers all, :blink:


By the way, has anyone even grown marleys collie before ? let us know..



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Try to gradually decrease the light periods inside until they match the Suns daylight period and then transplant them out in late Spring or Summer. No matter what time of year you transfer plants from indoors to outdoors they will always tend to go to flower for a bit, but do it at the right time of year and with not too much of a dramatic change in the photo period and they should revert to veg within a few weeks.
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Sorry forgot the part about the nutrients. Try and get a potting soil that is free draining and not overloaded with chicken poo or anything too strong.


Its much easier to add nutrients to your water if needed rather than trying to save burnt plants in an overly potent soil mix. Manutec bloom booster is used by a lot of outdoor growers in flower. Start it off at half strength and judge it from there.


But the most important thing is PH. Get one that is designed for plants that like a PH between 6 and 7, because thats what MJ plants like in soil. If its not written on the bag the nursery or manufacturer should be able to tell you, or you could get a sample tested. (Free at most nurseries).

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The time to put your plants from indoors to outdoors is in late Spring or early summer when the daylight hours are increasing. You will be starting off your seedlings on 24 or 18 hour light inside, then as it comes close to the time you want to put them out gradually reduce the light cycle inside so it matches the sunset and sunrise times outside. When they are the same then make the switch to mininise shock to the plant. As I said they will probably go to bud for a bit but should revert to veg before long which is what you want them to do so they get nice and big and then as the days get shorter later in the season it will flower.


If you put them out too late in the season (or early for that matter) or the shock is too great they may continue to bud when you put them out and never revert to veg. You wouldn't really want this as the plants will be small and so will the yield.

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allhailthebud - I know that 'Nick' - How are you groing M8.


Whats the best potting mix/soil ?


Once out of the seedling stage some I was recommended was any multipourpose compost. Let the plants tell you if the want more nutes. $5 - $7 for 25 Lt bags from any garden centre .......... to go 'down market' you can pick it up from from K-art, coles ect. for $3-$4. If your in the UK you can't go past JI#1, JI32, & JI#3.


You can buy special seedling mixes in smaller bags.


If I grew my plants to 30cm tall under lights, on 18/6, then chucked them outdoors, the light cycle would be completely different.. and they wouldd prolly start to flower right ? what light cycle should I start my plants under, so they will continue to veg once I put them outdoors ?


As animal said, just give them the easyest life you possily can. Gradyally introduce them to sunlight.


I did this on 1/1/06 post-5398-1137754125_thumb.jpg :thumbdown post-5398-1137754237_thumb.jpg

That was an extream day that one. :smoke

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