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60 minutes heroin madness

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Today Tonight ran a special on Crystal Meth last night that claiming it was "the latest druf crazy from America". Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but amphetamines have been around slightly longer than the "journalist" reading from the teleprompter.


There were so many other glaring inconsistencies I couldn't believe my ears. It was backed up once again by some footage of a loony tune who was obviously completely off his head being a maniac on the roads.


Then the obligatory footage of a rave - can anyone tell me the predominant drug's found at rave's? That's right, it's all of them, but speed is NOT the most popular.


As for the Channel 9 garbage, someone has to do the Government's propoganda campaign's and feed Joe Public the same myth's they have grown comfortable hearing, because they have formed most of their opinion's and stance's from them.

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I watched that story sober as a judge and thought it was a lot of hot cock. I couldn't give a fuck however. I've got my seeds, I've got my bong and their stashed in the bush. No matter how much they jump up and down they'll never get rid of the herb. And soon when all these raver head numbskulls start fucking out in their middle age the attention of the bigots,who want to tell me what I can and can't put into my body, will shift. But really I couldn't give a fuck either way. There's shit cooked up in backyard labs by hard criminals that are out there on just as much of a scale but we'll focus our main attention on a plant that man has had thousands of years to become accustomed to. Yeah thats smart. What the fuck are our lawmakers and politicians on, to come up with an absurd idea like that.
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Yeah, this story gave me the shits too... my dad commented on how bad pot was and how it wasn't good for me blah blah... I gave him a lot of info on medicinal mj that people are taking for his condition and he now wants to find out more. True education is the only way to overcome this naivity.


I love how they contrasted it with herion - fairly melodramatic shit - how about contrasting it with alcohol instead. I love a drink but sick of hearing the neighbour threaten his wife and daughter when pissed.. can't say ot would happen if they had a smoke or two.


my 0.02

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I've always been a pot smoker, I stopped for nearly five years while I was in the Infantry. In that five years I saw more drug related violence than any other time in my life. The only drug involved was alcohol, a legal drug, that the government gets a tax on. I saw new troops bashed to within an inch of there life because they wanted to go home from a drinking session. Pot was never involved. I since have left the army because John Howard is a fucking little worm who should do his own dirty work. But I've never observed such violent phenomenom with my civilian pot smoking friends. I also notice if I get really pissed, I go back to being a angry drunk soldier again.Never any probs with the herb.

FUCK THE SYSTEM, I have no respect for laws created and upheld by John Howard.That cunt couldn't lie straight in bed.

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