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60 minutes heroin madness

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Oh my god, I wished I watched it!! My mum has been on my case ever since!! She keeps asking me if I smoke skunk :blink: So I said nah, mainly White Widow hahaha :rolleyes:

I'm going to write in a complaint, that woman really should be deregistered and not allowed to treat people. What a stupid, dangerous statement.

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Well rather than endure the whole '60 minutes' this week only tuned in for the last few minutes to see the mailbox section - and typically for channel 9, in demonizing fashion, the only pro-cannabis letter read out was quickly followed a comment by Peter Harvey "well, we can see why they call it dope."
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I wasent sure if i was going to reply to this thread, i had to think about it a bit but that woman is a fuck wit plane and simple, i have been down the road of being hooked on heroin and it took me a bloody long time to claw my way back out of it, i would rather smoke all the bloody skunk i can get my hands on rather then go back to the other shit, heroin kills now get that silly bitch that made the statment about cannabis to show a singel death related 100% to cannabis from overdoseing or a bad batch she will be pushing shit up hill big time to find one, but if u asked her to find info on deaths from heroin from overdosing and bad batchers she would be there until the day she dies reading it. imho she aint got a clue about what she is on about... Edited by ozmade
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It was full of brainwashing propaganda but it is 60 minutes afterall. True journalistic integrity on that show. My dad made me watch the segement in what was funnily enough the day he found out I smoked weed aswell.


It's obvious why but I hate how they pick an absolute fucked up abuser of weed and put it on the program like everyone who smokes is like that. It is really annoying for someone who likes to smoke weed to see that type of shit where it seems as though every smoker is a skitso.


The Heroin comment was funny. A totally ridiculous statement which goes to show why 60 minutes shouldn't be airing trash like this. "I'd rather them be smoking Heroin or Crack than skunk (which is still weed anyway.) Hold on and listen to what you just said. Heroin and Crack or Pot? What an idiot.


On a side note, how much does that bitch Liz Hayes annoy you? She annoys the fuck out of me.

Edited by Dan420
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::rolleyes:: Well, they wouldn't have liked my mailbag email:

My god, I've never heard such bullshit in my life! The only correct statement made was the fact pot can be detrimental to the developing brain in young people. Take it from a 24 year old who has 'been around' in terms of socialising-


JULIE LYNN EVANS: I would prefer to have an 18-year-old hooked on heroin to treat, or crack cocaine, than skunk

That's the most dangerous thing I could ever imagine a doctor saying.......I nearly fell over! HEROIN WILL KILL YOU!

I use pot medicinally myself (started at 20 yrs old), for Rhuematism and Raynaud's phenomenon, and know many people who have smoked it for 25 years or more, they're leading productive, happy lives.

If you guys had half a brain, you'd be preaching the damage smoking Crystal Meth does, it's more addictive than shooting up heroin and it's destroying the lives of so many people around me, it is fast becoming a growing epidemic. And believe me, living within the Perth metro area, the stuff is everywhere. Nostradamus even predicted a drug would take over in our generations time, and it is.

So, I guess I should take that up instead Julie, you stupid, ignorant bitch! I hope you are banned from medicine for life


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Nice one Chev ... hopefully someone who can do something or make a correct statement will see your letter - I've been a smoker for 30 years and my life has been full of successful, productive stuff - children, business etc.. it's unbelievable that propaganda like this gets out there - worse that its taken as fact by the majority of veiwers who go on perpetuating the ignorant myths about the smoke - :rolleyes:


btw, I don't agree that heroin will kill you .... as long as you have a source of clean reliable product the body doesn't mind - even more so with first quality (first vapours) opium - it's not having it or being able to get it that leads to problems - there are many examples of lifelong users that not only functioned very well, but have since been recognised as luninaries - - but there CERTAINLY is a HUGE difference between being a regular user of smoke compared to being a reg user of Heroin - ones a choice, the other becomes an absolute necessity and the reality is that unless you grow your own poppies, you WILL be dependant on low grade, dangerous product that WILL involve you in all sorts of other risks in trying to get it.



Some eminent narcotics addicts




imo this is another myth about another plant

Edited by Mushaman
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