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If ya plant is into flore I personally would not cut from it - because the hormones released into the plant screws around with the plants DNA and you wont have a perfect copy. Maybe im pickie ?


I come to the conclusion that some straines clone very easy and some are a total pain in the arse 2 mass produce.


Now that i use a aerocloner all clones are very easy to take and i lose about 2% to non rooting. But like i said, some throw roots in 5 days and some take 20 days.



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If ya plant is into flore I personally would not cut from it - because the hormones released into the plant screws around with the plants DNA and you wont have a perfect copy. Maybe im pickie ?


I find that exceptionally hard to believe... hormones, even plant hormones, do not alter DNA AFAIK. Got any evidence of that Jack? And clones of clones of clones are still perfect genetic copies, (one in a million chance "sports" aside) but they may have different phenotypes due to subtle differences in growing conditions and early development.


Yeah, genetics does have a fair bit to do with cloning, some will root easily and some are really hard to do, but in the end, it's just try and see.


Clones can be taken right up to harvest time, it just means they have to re-veg and will take longer to root and thus be harder to maintain in that critical stage of development.


You don't NEED humidity cribs, heat mats and growool to clone, but dammit, it sure does help....


You don't NEED a thermometer to grow either, but same principle, it helps a whole lot. You can clone without cloning gel/powder too, but the NAA or IBA contained and the gel itself helps to initiate rooting and prevent an embolism from forming in the stem. Aeroponic cloning probably has the highest rate of success, but won't necessarily guarantee it. I've lost many in my time, and have had many many more survive and grow on to become kick ass plants. Mostly it comes down to a few basic things;






Personal effort.


Good luck cloning. :D

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no evidence just alot of observation - cannabis "over time" (3 or 4 generations) change if you do your cuts in flore stage - they become less vigorous, more prone to stress and diease, they throw mutated leaf patterns, they have more chance of hermie.


just mine and alot of other respected growers option.



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It would have more to do with changing growing habits, methods and vigour of the clones than the genetic material itself. All growers evolve, and rarely do the same thing, time and again, even when they think they do. It could even be a small change in growing temperatures which would ensure a slow degradation of the phenotypes expression in the environment.


Stress on anything changes it's appearance and expression, but it's not harming the genetics. It's merely expressing those genetic traits in individuals under varying conditions.


Cuttings are preferably taken during the vegetative stage because it's easier, not because of clone degradation. Many plants are tissue cultured by the millions and very, very rarely show degeneration of their plant vigour due to genetic reasons, unless exposed to inhibitive environments. A clone taken from a stressed plant, which in turn was taken from a stressed plant, which in turn was taken again from a stressed plant, will obviously be tending towards expressing that stress in a negative way. Growing and cloning with the least stress possible is the key... IMHO.


But that's just my opinion, based on observation over several generations and through speaking with many growers over the years on here and elsewhere.... That and my own personal interest in botany and genetic expression of traits.... :D

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sorry bro i dissagree. Even respected growers like Jorge Cervantes will agree with what i say. Check out Indoor Bible Horticulture page 263, he has examples of this.


Over time if ya keep taking cutts from floring plants you will get less yeild.


But we are both allowed different options.





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Well I have to agree with some of what Jack said. But! I also must add a pic of a clone of a clone of a clone of a clone of a clone all vegged.

I liken the difference in yield to the difference of an Intel P4 3.0GHz to a 3.4GHz. While there is a substantial difference in speed the vast majority of people will never notice it. Even when the system is maxed out you still cant tell.

I couldn’t contact the owner to ask permission to use his pic cause he hasn’t been online since feb.


Edit: I should add that even this grower gets fresh mums after a few runs



Edited by jjfto
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I have got some clones in from plants that were about 4 weeks into bud, i have 4 cuttings of 3 diffrent strains, thay have been for 5 days now and out of the 12 so far it looks like only 2 maybe 3 arnt doing very well and the rest look great, no roots showing out the bottom as yet but it shouldent be to long befor thay show some roots comeing out of the rock wool...


A few pic of my lil clone setup i threw tougher, useing 2 18w cf's...




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