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Brash's High Tea Biscuits

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The latest effort from the Brash test kitchen. Enjoy.


Brash's High Tea Biscuits


A buttery melt in the mouth ‘English-style’ tea biscuit, the perfect accompaniment to afternoon tea (if you've got nothing planned). Each biscuit contains approximately 6 grams of cannabutter, so choose a second one with caution.


200 grams of cannabutter

half cup of icing sugar

half cup of custard powder

one & half cups of plain flour

teaspoon of baking powder

pinch of salt


Preheat oven to 190ºC

Sift & mix dry ingredients and add melted butter, mix well, knead with hands. Take spoonfuls of dough and roll into ball, flatten with fork and place on oven tray. Cook batches of a dozen for 15 minutes in middle rack of oven. Remove and cool on wire rack.

Makes about 36 strong medical-grade cookies

Edited by Brash
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Hey Brash


If ya dont mind mate i would like to pass this one on to me mum as she works with alot of people that are pretty sick from one thing or another and dieing and a lot of them will only take cannabis to help with there ailment and most of them will only eat it. so if ya dont mind Brash i will print it off and send it off to me mum...

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Happy for your Mum to take advantage of my experiments.


Just tested the biscuit and after 2 hours, I must say they really hit the spot. The only thing is they are a bit 'herby' and may need some other flavouring agent - I'm thinking something like carraway seeds maybe.

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Thanx for that brash i have printed off few copys and will posting to me mum on mondey, when i rang her back and said that u said it was ok to do this and that u were tinkering around with it a bit she said that the ppl that she will give it will do the same and she said that she will get feed back from them and let me know, as soon as she dose i will post the info she comes up with from her clients...
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I meant to ask, have you got any pics of the cake? What does it smell like? I'm wondering if they could be posted, would someone be able to tell the ingredients if it was opened?

I don't have a camera at the moment. They don't smell unusual and care needs to be taken because they look/taste much like ordinary cookies, don't leave them lying about incase they end up in the wrong stomach

Are sweet things the best for using cannabutter? or can you use any recipes that use butter?

Any recipe that uses butter will do. I've even heard (but not tried) of people who put bud, instead of mixed herbs, into hamburger patties.

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Hey Brash


A client of mum's made ya cookies and said thay were graet and will be makeing them againe but this time she is going to play around with it a little bit ans said once she has done so she will get back and let me know how things went.


p.s.forgot to say she said to say thanx heaps for allowing her to use it...

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Any recipe that uses butter will do. I've even heard (but not tried) of people who put bud, instead of mixed herbs, into hamburger patties.



Right on, BUD BURGERS, how long before we see that at McDonalds ::rolleyes::

hey that gives me an idea pizza topping, oregano + MJ :reallyexcited:

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