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Yea im slightly leaning towards having the lights off for 6 hours a day during the peak period of house activity at night time so people have less smell, and there is less incentive of me going into the GR at night... say from like 1pm during the day to 7pm at night. That also would probably help with heat too...
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i hear alot about peoples plants dropping at night any reason for this? yes...


but lets deal with this issue first

ok, 24/0v 18/6 heres the run down, and Ive read that a plant grows quicker in 24/0...its crap..... and just confuses the issue...



explained in my language.........


the plant does most of its growing in the dark period. the light period is there to store energy for the growth at night..This can clearly be seen when the 12/12 light cycle is administered....when the plant goes spastic for those first 3-5 weeks of flowering, this is because if the 12 hours of darkness...not 12 hours light.


by increasing light hours the plant will still grow but at the slower day rate than the faster night growth spurt...this keeps the internodes( branches) closer together, making for a more compact crown....

I veg my clones on 22/2 light cycle this is because I dont want them to grow so fast, i have 8 weeks before they can be placed in the flower room and it also keeps the nodes close for a tighter bud when it hits the flowering room


the 24/0 light period is for rooting clones this is so the plant puts very little energy in plant growth and concerntrates energy for root growth. Ultimatley for the fastest growth I think the 18/6 light period is most effective for most strains..every strain is different....... and reacts better with different light cycles...but never 24/0 plants need the rest even if its for just an hour.


mmmm I could be wrong... I am just basing my comments on what I have seen and done..so I think this is right......


as for the plants drooping at night....ALL plants do this, just go and have a look half way through the dark period. the reason for the leaves pronging up is to receive light. Ever watched a sunflower through the day....most plants do this, MJ in no different. Indoors plants sense the time and light hours, go an look about 45 mins before the light comes on..you will notice the leaves starting to rise, they will be at peek position right when the light turns on.


In veg if the plant is only getting 4 hours of dark you might not notice this happenning because it take about 90 mins for the plant to rest and 90 mins for the plant to wake up....check what Ive said when your plant is flowering...its more noticable.


both of these issues Ive experimented with exstensivly when I first started growing 17 years ago..I dont think things have changed that much in the genetics of MJ to change basic grow knowledge........


with this said, people have there own views and might have had good results with no dark period at all through veg...but lets face it who the hell wants to pay the inflated price for the electricity on 24/0 light cycle .......

Edited by SukonmiSkunk
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yeah Nath cool, I ve read about the 24/0 light cycle in a book I am reading now, its called the Cannibus Grow Bible, by Greg Green...save your cash its a crap read with lots of misinformation, luckily ive had lot of experience in growing other wise I would not be able to spot all the flaws in this book....there are quite a few...........any experienced grower who could do with a laugh........get the book....dont get me wrong...inbetween the bullshit info there are some good tips....


in short more light hours= tighter internode spacing and slower growth.

less light hours= more spaced out Internode with a faster growth....

plants grow mostly in the dark..........THAT IS FACT........and can clearly be seen when the 12/12 cycle is introduced......


experiment to find the right light cycle for your strain...any where from 18/6-22/2 is a good light cycle for vegetive growth.



ps. Nath, ive read that your a bit of a smarty pants when it comes to banner art.....could you make one for me, that I can use as a signiture, and something under my name......waaaa like everyone else....lol

I can grow pot but computers are little over my head


up to you, Id be more than happy to send ya some seeds or some thing

Edited by SukonmiSkunk
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