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Manutec Bloom Booster


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Three elements that appear to missing from Bloom Booster are:

Fe - Iron

Co - Cobalt

Ca - Calcium

Which makes me think it is more of a supplement to soil based plants as Ferengi pointed out. The 3 missing elements are usually found in soil.


Keep in mind there are two different Manutecs 1.Hydroponic Nutrient (2pack) which supplies all the essential elements for good growth,this is fine for vegative growth.

2.Manutec Bloom Booster-Soluble reccomended for foliage and SOIL surronding roots.

Anyone suggest an easy/cheap way to add these three missing elements?


Yes i know i should go and get Canna Flores or suchlike but thats about a 370km trip for me.

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A quick search found this grow that was done on manutec alone. Looks OK ot me...




If manutec is all you can get then I would just use it and see how it goes. To be blunt you are more likely to fuck it up worse trying to modify the solution with your own additives.


Its true bloom booster is used by outdoor growers to give plants a boost during flower. But its still formulated as a complete hydroponic mix.


If you really want to do something further check the package if it includes "trace elements". If it doesn't I think there is a product called manutec trace elements, if not there will be some other form of trace elements you can add. Trace elements basically contain every type of micro element plants require and will make deficiency less likely. If the instructions for mixing/applying trace elements are intended for soil only use 30% strength for hydro.

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