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will this great herb ever be legal in australia?

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I think I read on NewScientist.com (or something like that) that marijuana would be legal in the next 70 years.....that might've been for America though.....and that's if America is still around at 2075!!


I reckon it will be legal in the next 10-20 years here in Aus.


Niall, as for what you say about nothing changing unless Aus Stoners unite 'n' fite, but not caring, i disagree. I think A LOT of stoners want to do something, but a fair amount are too scared and the rest don't know HOW? If there was a Marijuana Party in every district, I think there'd be alot more support.


Other than that, I think if stoners just act sensibly, get stoned without making a scene and trying to be a "rebel" it will just show we don't care about ridiculous laws and will go on stoning peacefully.

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Guest rapier
Sadly it all comes down to the golden rule, he who has the gold makes the rule, there is a hell of a lot of money to be made by some people who have money in keeping all hemp products illegal, issues like common sense, health or enviromental benifits, or the general benifit of mankind play no part in the thoughts of group wanting to make money


The irony is, legalised, regulated marijuana would actually MAKE money for the governement. The cost of regulating marijuana is obviously so much less than the cost of prohibition, and the government would be able to tax the supply of marijuana. Furthermore, if pot were legal, more people would start using it instead of resorting to other drugs that cause more harm to society (including alcohol), again resulting in less money spent by the government.

Opponents claim that this is untrue, as people would still buy off the black market as opposed to (say) buying government weed from their local chemist. Now, I'm pretty sure that when given the choice between controlled, legal weed with no ramifications, and illegal weed that could get you busted, most people would choose legal weed.


So maybe if we explain to the Government that they can make money from weed, then they'll start to listen. Grassroots (no pun) protests and politics don't make a dent in this country, but wave cash in politician's faces, and they'll be packing 'em faster than you or I.

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Niall, as for what you say about nothing changing unless Aus Stoners unite 'n' fite, but not caring, i disagree. I think A LOT of stoners want to do something, but a fair amount are too scared and the rest don't know HOW? If there was a Marijuana Party in every district, I think there'd be alot more support.


Fair enough, I hope so. I'm rebuilding my website at the moment to recapture a focus on activism and getting people involved in local politics. Having a few problems with my hosting service but hopefully it'll be back up in the next week. A "How do I Help" section is high on my todo list at the moment, as is a Marijuana Party of WA if we can get 500 people willing to help get a party registered.

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I think 'legalize' is the wrong word to use. Is alcohol legal in Australia? The real answer is no, it is 'regulated', as in it is legal for some (adults) and illegal for others (under 18), legal in some situations (in pubs and clubs) and illegal in others (drinking on the footpath in many cities). Is morphine legal? No, once again it is 'regulated', if the average person (without a perscription) walks down the street with a vial of morph, it is very illegal. Yet with a doctors approval it is totally legal.


I have come to believe that the term 'legalise pot' frightens a lot of people, they see it as a free-for-all, importantly it seems to frighten the bejesus of politicians. 'Regulating something' sounds more palatable to those in charge.

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Yep, I've been arguing this very point recently in the WA Greens. I use "regulate and tax". "Legalise" and "decriminalise" have no meaning or use anymore, there's too much polarisation and confusion about what they mean.
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@Brash- :thumbsup Totally agree.


A perfect example with alcohol that may be relevant to MJ.

Is that it is legal to brew your own beer. However it is Illegal to brew your own homebrew Spirits.

It is both very Illegal to sell home made alcohol.


So yea, I dont think they will ever legalise it.

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