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Fuckin American governemnt - Fuckin DEA

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The DEA can and have arrested people in foreign countries and then (illegally in some cases through government pressure) extradited them to the US where they are convicted and jailed. The smokescreen they use as a justification for this is the RICO statute relating to conspiracy to commit a crime. While the drug activities in other countries may have nothing to do with the USA directly if the DEA believes (or imagines) that drugs from that source eventually make it to the USA then in their minds they are justified to act, not to enforce their drug policy in other countries but to prevent the smuggling of drugs into the US (according to them).


There have been cases where people involved in shipping drugs into Canada or South America have been convicted solely under US law even though they never set foot in the USA and never sent drugs to the US. If you are making or sending consignemnts of drugs it doesn't matter where you are or where you are sending them. If the DEA thinks even part of the shipment will eventually land in the US you are fair game in their eyes.


In Emery's case, I believe its just a matter of chopping down someone who is quite simply too much of a smartarse for the DEA's liking, so they are trying to teach him a lesson, along with anyone else who wants to stand up against the status quo. Intimidation and bullying tactics. The DEA are the best in the world at it.

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America will destroy itself internally anyways when it go's broke - then all the DEA agents will have 2 go home with no pay.


There housing sector is a runaway train while the amounts of imports are increasing and exports are decreasing.


China is the main source of there trade deficit while EU countries are hedging the US dollar with the EURO.


All of this happening with nearly no interest rates, causing the American people into huge debts on home loans and credit cards. I would hate 2 think what would happen if there rate went 2 the same as australia.


The only reason the America currency has not been devalued to bankruptcy is because of its link to petro-dollars. But the OPEC countries are getting very nervous swapping oil for US dollars, rather buying in EURO dollars, as the US gets devalued against the EURO.


This is the only reason for war in IRAQ and AFGAN. Both of these countries would only sell there oil in EURO dollars not US dollars - thus hedging the US currency, other countries that sell there goods in EURO not US DOLLARS are North Korea and Iran.


I think that over the next 5-10 years there will great change on this planet, as the US go's broke and a very large shift of power occurs within the world.



Just my 2 cents worth on how or when the DEA will fuck off.



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I need to just stress to everybody...This is very scary...people before where saying things like the US does have really power over canada's or Australia's drug policies...Well what do you call this...Canada's laws are too lax...so they are deporting him to be tried in the states...This is a scary presidence...If this works they are going to have a small amount in international law presidence on their side...next they could be extraditeing X-pat, or any other online seed bank...I question will be where does the transaction really take place...In the US or Can....Frankly I'd suggest that all seed banks start boycotting The US for their own safty...every year over 300,000 americans are charged with marijuana related charges...they don't care what is right...appearently this is worse than rapeing someone...As we can see they are fuck ass backwards...I have nothing against americans...except that they have let this happen....In the 60's people got things done because everyone stuck their neck out at the same time...today people are more concerned with their future, than the fact their future doesn't inclued the lifestyle they would acctually like....So what is the message....Write your gov, make you views knowen, do it anonmouly or not I don't care but unless the letters start piling up and the streets are filled with protest...you will all be villins in your own country.
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oh yeah...about america going broke...they have been in billions of dollars worth of debt for decades...money doesn't drive governments as much as they would like us to believe it does...it only makes it's leaders rich...The US has already fallen apart from the inside...thus 911 and the war on iraq...its about holding the people in a state of termoil. nothing is going to change in our lifetime. by the time things really fall apart it will be too late. and besides why would we want the wreckage...we want the boat while it still floats.
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The DEA are the single most evil organisation out there, telling others how and what to do about something they have little to no idea about the realities of.


They've ensured that they're indispensable to the US government, and made sure that the budget will always be there to fight the "scourge" of recreational drug use....


Like the Afghan poppy farmers, who are now having to deal with US warplanes spraying toxic herbicides over their fields all because they grow poppies better than anyone else... Anyone considered having these same poppy farmers produce for the legitimate morphine and other opiate markets out in the world? God no, because that would mean allowing our own farmers to have to deal with the reality of a world supply... Meantime, the Afghani children die from poisoning and starvation because they're killing a crop they've grown for centuries....


It's just ridiculous, and now they're trying to link drug use with terrorism, (whatever that means) and claiming that the guy who buys a stick of weed is supporting osama! Watch out very carefully, as we're under a cloud now like never before, and we'll have to fight for our right to be stoned how and when we chose much harder.



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Anyone familiar with Mr. Nice would know what they can do with their RICO laws. It's truely amazing that a person living in a country outside America, can be charged with American laws. That makes us, as Australians, under the soverign nation of Australia is worthless when push comes to shove.


Mr. Nice was living in Sicily when the DEAwent after him. There wasn't even an extradition agreement as far as I could make out between the countries. But through pressures only USA knows how to apply, they gave him up.


In fact even then he had them beaten. but they went for his wife instead. He had been careful to keep his wife out of the drug trade all the time, as a protection to her and the kids they shared.


but through FBI tapes of telephone conversations, they caught his wife relaying a message to a person who wanted to talk business with her husband. the mesage was simply where to find him I beleive (from memory). She told the person seeking her husband (Mr. Nice) that he was in such and such a hotel, in Hong Kong.


That was enough to charge her as accessory and they were going to give her ten years, with their kids being fostered out to God knows who.

r. Nice was at this time being held in a Cicillian prison under USA laws!


So to save his fam. from total destruction, he handed himself across.


What a immoral bunch of people. He was wanted for selling hash. Like the deadly evil hash, known through history for killing, what millions? Um..thousands? no??? um...no one maybe! They terrorised his children. The day they busted him they had the kids in hysterics, and had no compassion to calming the kids at all. Treated his wife like trash, all to pressure the bloke. One of the kids became catatonic.


And we're the bad guys? Who goes to bed at night and dreams these nightmares up?


Anyway he beat them in a sense. they wanted life in prison, but he wouldn't just roll over. He raised hell getting all the tapes the DEA made of his calls, studied law, and eventually was released after 8 years or so, and now is into that seed business.


But that whole things was done under the RICO laws. They're the broadest laws they had for years. until september 11th. Since then they've invented laws that should make our blood chill.


In fact even J. Howard is sitting in the Senate this month I believe to make new "anti-terrorism" laws. They've (the world powers) dominated the world by containing the big powers as threats. now what they need to do , is to control the smaller groups; activists. Make everyone afraid of terrorists, and they get open slather at passing laws that can be used just as easily to infiltrate this web site, as can be used to find any terrorists. To shut up anyone that might cause a gov. to be exposed for something; simply by claiming they just might be terroists. And you know that being involved with even MJ is enough to create a link to terrorism now!


In fact finding a mad bomber before he decides to do his deed is virtually impossible, but rest assured, these laws will uncover a lot of small groups of people just like us.


This is from this week's "BULLETIN" magazine-


reffering to John Howard's push for law reforms- "On the table will be a natioanl identification card, detain and search laws for train and bus stations, and a new anti-terrosim legal framework that could include criminal charges against those who INDIRECTLY incite terroist acts- a sort of thought ans speach crime." (Bulletin Magazine 16th of August 2005. Page 24 bottom of first column)


That means if you typed something here condemning USA's way for how they do things, dependng on how some prat interperated what you said; it could be seen as INDIRECTLY inciting terroist acts.


Some years ago, a law was passed to ban any written material on making dangerous drugs. We were all given strong assurances that the police were sensible and wouldn't use the laws to arrest people with simple dope magazines. In fact when the idea was raised to the police commisioner in Qld, that the law could see people arrested for owning a simple high times mag, he openly laughed at the suggestion, insulting the interviewer as an extremist and a trouble rouser. That no such thing was ever on their minds. They said they were concerned with the flood of magazines and books that taught how to make heroin at home etc... (the reality is making home bake heroin from codiene etc is more expensive than buying it ready to go). None the less, they got the laws passed, to protect our young children from the horrors of such terrible information being available to them.


The very day it was introduced, a bunch of activists in Cairns, who the police had raided numberous times but always failed to bust; were raided again and charged for their library of high times magazines. the very thing we were assured would not happen.


The law sounded great (to the broader public), but was used for more obviously pointed reasons.


Now passing a law that is intended to stop people from inciting a terroist act could easily be interperated to appply to lots of stuff I read on forums such as these.


It's scarey times.




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