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Fuckin American governemnt - Fuckin DEA

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Man, I cant beleive this shit, read these articles. The fucking American government has had a DEA (Drug Enforcment Agency) in Canada for some time, which none of us agreed should be there, who the fuck do they think they are setting up an office in our country and telling us how we shoud be enforcing our drug policy and policing us ? But we pretty much let them have their little office as long as they didn't fuck with us, and now they have decided to start to.


This really efffects me personallly because the 3 people arrested were all close personal friends.


Just how of curiosity how would you Australians respond if the USA started policing your country and setting up a DEA office here in order to tell you guys what to do and not do with your drug policies.


I am just so sick of the American government trying to police the world and make everyone think like and obey them. Don't they have far more impotant things to be dealing with, like this whole war on terrorism that I thought was their primarcy concern, but apparently busting pot heads and people enjoying them selves with a natural growing herb is more important, sheesh.... priorities.


Please note I am not making an anti-american citizan rant as I know lots of cool americans that hate their own goverment and its policies, this is purely a rant against the government, so dont take it personally if your american, that is unless you support the American goverment doing shit like this, then fuck you too and get your government out of my country and back into its own, isn't fucking up your own country good enough for you ?


Also as I said, even if this does offend someone, I have a right to be upset and pissed off, because as I said these are personal friends of mine that were arrested and were not harming anyone, and in fact have done a lot of good for the cannabis and marijuana movment and made untold numbers of people happy with their work and efforts, they shouldnt be punished and put in jail for making people happy. Also I love Vancouver, its my home, its one of the most beautiful and amazing places I have lived in, and a big part of it being such an amazing place is its artistic weed culture and so I am really upset that the Americans are trying to kill something I love so much.

Edited by Meerkat
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The US government dosn't need to put the DEA here, our government and police are nazi enough as it is but if they did, I'd imagine a large group, namely those who voted Howard in would be happy with it cos in their eyes Right is right and the US can do no wrong and dope smokers should all be put in the electric chair cos their bludgers blah blah blah, you get the idea..
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Trust the US government and the DEA to misuse their country's tragedy in such a manner, this sort of thing not only show's the total lack of respect for their own people's loss but also their misuse of the trust placed in them by other governments by using the enacted laws for other purposes than what they were created for. :angry:

Please note I am not making an anti-american citizan rant
No, it's not their fault, like the rest of us they have the best leader that multi-national company money can buy. B)



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I feel for you Meekrat, you, your friends and all Canadians :'(. Of an American CIA agent came onto my property to question me, i would make sure he got the heck off my land, him and his crummy accent :|. Sorry to any real Americans here, but those who partake in such activities cannot be called Americans or human for that matter.
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Well then, if the DEA is here, then getting rid of them is probably one of the #1 things that shold be concentrated on in terms of cannabis legislation and freedom here in Oz, because you know they are going to try to pull the same shit here that they did in Canada and their own country.


Its really not far fetched to think that in the next few years that the USA DEA will make prominate arrestes here in Oz and try to shut down festivles like Nimbin and such. Dont let them fuck up your country. Us Canadians are a lot more passive, but Australians seem to have more attitude when they are being pushed around.

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Well then, if the DEA is here, then getting rid of them is probably one of the #1 things that shold be concentrated on in terms of cannabis legislation and freedom here in Oz, because you know they are going to try to pull the same shit here that they did in Canada and their own country.


Its really not far fetched to think that in the next few years that the USA DEA will make prominate arrestes here in Oz and try to shut down festivles like Nimbin and such.  Dont let them fuck up your country.  Us Canadians are a lot more passive, but Australians seem to have more attitude when they are being pushed around.



I don't believe they will ever have enforcement powers in Australia... and I don't think they have any say in Australian policy... I do believe they probably lobby the sitting government when drug issues arise... but I do not believe Australian politicians would let it go beyond that (I hope).


The DEA says this about their international offices:

"DEA's primary mission is to monitor international and domestic drug trafficking trends in the region and to provide investigative and technical assistance and support to host country counterparts whenever necessary"


I am disturbed by the very presence of the DEA in ANY country but the US even if it's 'advisory' in nature. :thumbdown

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