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If you wanted to get a cheaper entry into vapping you could try this little beauty which I've read works better than most hotplate models... and it's portable. :peace:


There are really only two vaps on the market that most feel offer hits comparable to bong hits (in terns of strength) and that's the Vriptech and Volcano. The latter being MUCH easier and more convienant to use but.. well.. its a grand.


You can order the Vriptech VCB (Vaporization Chamber Bowl) for AU$97 shipped and buy Makita HG1100 (rebadged Steinel) heatgun at Bunnings for around $150. That's all you need to start vapping (besides some screens for VCB). This is assuming of course that you have a glass bong already like most of us.

You can buy a glass downstem for your bong from Freewheelin'.


The heatgun is very important... don't skimp here... it must be a Steinel or rebadged Steinel because they use a ceramic element instead of a metal element which would be very bad for your health over time.

Edited by ShaftReturns
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Guest niall

Vapir One - it probably works fine, but I think you'd regret spending that much on something that has had so many negative and mixed reviews. I've used the original Vapir and it was an absolute piece of shit. I'd rather be pulling cones and I absolute fucking hate smoking now. I got some glass on glass bowls a few weeks back and had a few tokes out of my bong and fuck me it was disgusting! Went and filled up a Valloon and man that was nice. I just can't go back to smoking bongs after having a good vapouriser. I love joints, but bongs are just not my thing anymore unless I'm smoking bubble.


My advice is to get a good quality hotplate model and save your money. Pick one of Freewheelin's as they stock one of the only decent quality ones and they'll look after you. Then start saving for a Volcano, maybe in a few years you'll be able to justify it. By then prices will be down and new models will be out too.


If you're going to order a Volcano I'd either get it from Freewheelin or from somewhere in Oaksterdam. Apparently with this US-AU Free Trade Agreement you only pay GST on items under US$1k. Don't quote me on that but tha'ts what I heard recently, so you'll be better off ordering it from the US then from Germany or elsewhere as you will be hit several hundred dollars import duties and shit. Freewheelin take care of that for you, and it's already wired up for Australian outlets, but you may be able to get it slightly cheaper from the US. Personally I'd go with Freewheelin.


OR stick with joints. Joints are one of the safest and most efficient ways of smoking. Cigarettes and joints vapourise the active ingredients all the way through the hot smokestream, and studies have shown that joints produce more THC:tar than other methods of smoking.


OR EVEN BETTER - get yourself some bubblebags for about $3-400 and smoke bubblehash. Best bang for your buck, and you're reducing tar and carcinogens significantly without losing the ritual of smoking your bong or getting fucked off a single hit.


Vapourisers will get there, technology and price wise, but I think they're still 5-10 years away.

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Thanks fellas :peace: ya know... your input is muchly appreciated. With so much false info flyin around I just can't trust testimonials *written on the manufacturers pages and what-not*. But I'd trust the word of fellow stoners any day of the week!



That said, I'm a poor man... lazy, poor and impatient (B)) but after having a convo over email with the free wheelin' lads they seem to say that the original vapir sucked badly (and from what I've read on overgrow this does seem to be the case)



Pretty much he said the original vapir's where over-hyped and had plenty of problems (which in turn ruined vapir's reputation amongst stoners) but he did give me his honest opinion on the vapir one (now up to revision 3.0) and he's said that they have sorted out quite a few of the problems the original vapir's where experiencing. He also painted my situation with a car analogy (holden vs mercedes) both'll do the job... one just gets you there in style :P



I would have liked to try those other vapes but I'm not really after importing... so I have decided to give the vapir one a crack B) I will post up a review about it for the benefit of all (when I get it of course).




Stay tuned :thumbsup

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On my thirst-for-knowledge quest I did happen to come across that site as well :peace: I can't remember the price exactly but I think it comes close to the volcano.


Which in a way, puts it out of my price range hehe If you do decide to pick a unit up. Write us a review? It does look pretty neat (and from what I've read) seems to do a great job.

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