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A new vape thread

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G'day folks :peace:




Just wondering if anyone's bought a vape recently (and by recent I mean anything in 2005)


I'm actually thinking of getting one... but before I do. I'd like to know if the one I'm interested in will do the job well (hey I'm poor... and don't want to fork out mad money if it's not gonna work awesome B)



There's a vape at the oz stoners shop called the vapir one. I have done some quick research and I think this would be version 2.0 or 3.0 (version 1 was notorious for being of shonky quality/efficiency) **the model I'm talking about is the black one**



My question in this: Has anyone got any experience with this particular model? I'd like to hear what your thoughts are on this product anyway?



Looks like they're going for the volcano style with those bags... and I like they temp control though.... looks like it'd be a winner :whistling



I've also been looking around for alternative vapes and I bumped into something called the 'phedor' made by wicked roots. Which is like a ceramic heating element in a nice chassis.... replaces your bic lighter and removes the toxic butane gasses with something more friendly to your lungs (doesn't require butane and won't give off the toxic crap butane will)



It's all interesting shit to me... but I'd honestly like to hear from someone with some experience with these particular vapes B) I'm sick of breaking bongs (and other ppl breaking mine for that matter :P) I need something new to play with...



Your thoughts?





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Guest niall
I'm actually thinking of getting one... but before I do. I'd like to know if the one I'm interested in will do the job well (hey I'm poor... and don't want to fork out mad money if it's not gonna work awesome :peace:


Unfortunately that's the killer with vapes, you need to spend some serious money to get something that really does work. I'd skip straight to the Volcano, about $1000 delivered. Failing that I'd go for a Valloon and Steinel, probably around $4-500 or so.


Vaping from bags makes a huge difference, I don't think anything else could come close to their convenience and ease of use.


There's a vape at the oz stoners shop called the vapir one. I have done some quick research and I think this would be version 2.0 or 3.0 (version 1 was notorious for being of shonky quality/efficiency) **the model I'm talking about is the black one**

My question in this: Has anyone got any experience with this particular model? I'd like to hear what your thoughts are on this product anyway?

Looks like they're going for the volcano style with those bags... and I like they temp control though.... looks like it'd be a winner  :whistling


What I've heard is that, like the original Vapir, it's a heap of shit. Check out the Vapourisation thread at http://www.overgrow.com - they review a heap of vapourisers in the paraphernalia forum. There are some fairly decent ones out there, Vapordoc etc. but most people who have used a Volcano and the others out there seem to always go back to the Volcano and recommend that anyone else in the market for a vape skips straight onto the Volcano. It's expensive, but you won't regret it.

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Unfortunately for me, I am not in the position to spend 1k on a vaporiser B) hell I can barely justify spending around 200 on one :peace:... but these vapir's have that bag thing happening now too?


I've heard/read mixed reviews... but would love to hear about real world-life experiences (I've noticed that alot of the other forums seem to be spammed by the same person? spamming the same sorta stuff about the vapir) which just makes it hard for me to find any actual information on the darn thing :P with so much competition in the vaporising world... it's hard to believe the first thing you read.



That said, I am so keen on hearing from someone local if these things are even worth the time (let alone the money, of which I don't have much of B))



It's got me in bit of a fuddle :(

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Vaporizers are someting I consider my self extremly knowledgable on, as back in Canada, I ran a place where we have a vapor bar that people could come in and bring their own weed and use the high end vaporisers that we had there and also sold, thus I was very familiar with the products and knew all about the ones we did carry as well as the ones we didnt carry.


The best one is by far the Volcano, I own one and love it, in fact the Volcano got me to quit smoking cannaibis, I always vaporize it now, the only thing I still smoke is Bubble Hash. The onyl exception of course is taking social tokes whem I am out with friends or what not.


Anyway the Volcano is the best (and most expensive), it is pure german engineering, has a 1 year warrenty which the company is very good about honouring. Two of the key features that make it a quality vaporizer are the same things you should look for in any vaporizer.


1. Temperature control - most low end vaporizers do not have a way to control temperature and just have a heating element, the problem with that is, that without being able to control the temp, the element is either too hot and burns the weed and creates smoke and thus defeats the whole point of having a vaporiser in the first place. Or its at too low of a temp and thus doesnt create a vapor and you get nothing off the weed and this is what causes most people to think vaporisation is crap, because they have only done it with low end vaporisers.


2. Type of heating element - Your low end vaporisers will have metal heating elements, and when metal heats up it oxidises and causes free radicals to form which have been prove in medical testing to cause cancer and alzheimers. Thus you are defeating the whole point of using a vaporiser to use cannabis in a more healthy way as your poisoning your blood with metal vapor. The Volcano uses a ceramic heating element and therefore is safe. The other model I would recommend is the Vriptech, which also uses a ceramic heating element and is a great vaporiser which we also sold in my store.


I would say the Volcano and Vriptech are the two best choices the Volcano is about $1000, and the Vriptech is about $300 to $500 (I forget). Both are of equal quality, safe, rugged, get you really high, well designed work great. The volcano though is just the best because of its form and function, its smaller, easier to use and looks way cool :peace:


Hope that helped

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Yeah after many hours of trying to find more info about the vapir... I'm just starting to doubt there are any genuinely satisfied customers out there.


The volcano does indeed look like one beast of a sexy machine... but because of our recent bong changing laws... I wonder just how easy/hard it would be to obtain one of these? Surely it would put me out of pocket if I had bought one overseas only for it not to arrive at my door safely. I am genuinely interested in the health benefits of vaporising and would like to know where I can get a decent vape locally (hell I would settle for a volcano... but I'd love for someone to be able to stock it locally and not at the hefty price tag :peace:)



Not sure if I was asking too much.... but does anyone know if any local people (in australia) stock it? I know free-wheelin does... but I think they have bumped up the price quite a bit... especially when these units are retailing at around $450-500 odd usd B) I'd love to be able to pick one up... but for a price more reasonable than $1k aus...



They certainly do have a great reputation.

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I wonder just how easy/hard it would be to obtain one of these?


Not very hard at all.


You can get them from Adelaide at Freewheelin for $1000 which includes a jar to attach the balloon to so you can have water filtration if you please. I bought some glass cones and downstems from these guys and they're very helpful.


I don't have a Volcano yet (I want one badly) but have used the Vriptech w/heatgun for over a year now and LOVE it... but you'll have to import that from the US.

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I just quickly rang up off ya tree in brissy to see if they had any 'volcanos' to which the guy replied.


"Oh yeah, sure we do. All you have to do is buy the vapir and then get the volcano bag attachment" :peace:



I would seriously love to hear if these vapir one's are any good.... I know a lot of overgrow folks ragged on the older model (hell I think there's more than 3-4 different vapir's) but I have actually found what I think has been 2 positive responses on the unit (one of course was from a guy from ebay that actually sells the stuff... so I don't know, he's probably biased?)



Why is it so hard to get some info on the newer model vapir one's.... :confused:

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Ya thanks for the link :peace: I did in fact read that review. Any chance you wanna ask them to give you a test run of that unit the next time you're there? perhaps you could tell me if it's worth while? B)



I'm quite certain that a vape-style high would be entirely different from the smoked kind of high (because there'd be less chems being let out and what not) but it's because I smoke every day that I'm starting to consider a healthier alternative. I'll probably end up just getting the vapir one and writing a review on it here so that it may help someone else who's probably in a similar situation to myself.



Thanks for the replies guys B)

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