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cannabis report please read and and give input

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ok i am doing a report n the legalization of mj ihave done one every semester for the last few years so i know what im talking about but heres the thing i want new info things i dont know im going to make this a 6 page paper and just want to know diffrent reasons y you guys think it hold be legalized i dont care what the reason i just want input i will post it up onthis forum when it is compleated most likly tommarow or late tonight
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if you can get the list of the 25,000 uses of cannabis, that would more than talk for itself B)


only problem is, i have searched for that list and couldnt find it :P only references to some of the uses and the fact cannabis can be used for 25,000 different things so you'll probably have to make the list yourself :thumbdown

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Guest niall

Talk about how cannabis is less addictive and less harmful than sugar, caffeine and aspirin. People die and suffer major complications from all three, and yet cannabis creates dependency in only about 10% of its users and has not been found to have caused a single disease, cancer or death in recorded history.


If keeping these 3 dangerous drugs, along with the rest of our medicine cabinets, liquor cabinets, and many foods and common household items, that are more dangerous than cannabis....... if keeping all of this regulated and legal, and where required only available via controlled distribution/prescription to adults, why then do we keep a less harmful, less addictive, social intoxicant and medicine (google "cannabinoid research ethan russo journal cannabis therapeutics" etc.) illegal where we have no control over its quality, potency, purity, or who it is distributed to, no packaging standards, no safety inspections, no labelling, no control over how it is grown and what additives are used, no control over it whatsoever to the point that use is steadily escalating around the world as it has done since this unheard-of plant was banned last century without a single, credible piece of evidence and at the protestation of the AMA and other medical authorities who had witnessed its properties in many patent medicines that were widely used by society at this time.


Approach it from a health and economic perspective. It's no longer about what the plant can do, how many uses it has, as the public already knows this and accepts it. The real challenge is how to increase public health and safety, while at the same time saving millions and generating billions of taxed dollars, money that could be better put to use for society in our hospitals.

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ok i am doing a report n the legalization of mj ihave done one every semester for the last few years so i know what im talking about but heres the thing i want new info things i dont know im going to make this a 6 page paper and just want to know diffrent reasons y you guys think it hold be legalized i dont care what the reason i just want input i will post it up onthis forum when it is compleated most likly tommarow or late tonight

:reallyexcited: There are so many reasons why marijuana should be legalized. First of all it makes people feel good. And since when was that a crime? Also, people who smoke MJ tend to be less stressed out, therefore they suffer fewer heart attacks (just a guess), plus, look at how good smokers look! We don't age!! There's nothing sexier than an aging hippy who takes care of him/herself. Hmm. let me think. It's safer and better for you than alcohol. It's a good alternative high, and more livers would be saved. Not to mention all of the other various medical reasons. LEGALIZE MJ!!!

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Approach it from a health and economic perspective. It's no longer about what the plant can do, how many uses it has, as the public already knows this and accepts it. The real challenge is how to increase public health and safety, while at the same time saving millions and generating billions of taxed dollars, money that could be better put to use for society in our hospitals.


i agree, but the public should also be made aware of such facts as an acre of cannabis grown in a single year produces more paper than an acre of trees grown over 20 years...stuff like that is most definately worth mentioning as it proves that cannabis is a viable commercial crop and can be used to save the environment at the same time as generating billions of dollars...


Talk about how cannabis is less addictive and less harmful than sugar, caffeine and aspirin. People die and suffer major complications from all three, and yet cannabis creates dependency in only about 10% of its users and has not been found to have caused a single disease, cancer or death in recorded history.


the amount of household items that would be illegal if discovered today are amazing...alcohol, caffine, sugar, tobacco and panadol are all great examples because those 5 things make up the majority of health related deaths in the world and are all legal because the government can make money and regulate the products :thumbdown


as niall said, make a big deal about that in your argument and then ask the person your giving the argument to to give you reasons why cannabis should still be illegal, then give them way around the excuses they give out...eg. for health, use a vape :)

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Consumption of mj in the privacy of one's own residence should be no concern of crimminal law. Where/ who is the victim?

If you want to get Jesus Christ on ya side the bible quotes him as stating these are the seeds of the field, go forth and till the soil, whatever ye sow, so shall ye reap!

Here ends the sermon :)

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