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hydro question

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ok i am doing a soil grow but my next will be a hydro so i am preparing myself for it a few months in advance and hope to have everything set up by the time i need it but right now i have a question about the nuit mix i will be useing i found this in a book my neighbor gave me it is by arnon/hoagland in 190 and here it is

macronutrients grams per liter

potassium nitrate 1.02

calcium nitrate .49

ammonem dihydrogen phosphate .23

magnesiem sulfate .49


micronutrients millgrams per liter

boric acid 2.86

maganese chloride 1.81

cuprous sulfate .08

zinc sulfate .22

molybdic acid .09



can anyone tell me what is on the shelfs in stores like this it seems to cover everything perfectly though it says to add a 1 milliliter of FeEDTA added and it has a wa to make it but i dont understand it anyone know of somewhere that sells this but basically heres my question


what name does this go under at stores???

and what does FeEDTA go by in stores???

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I'd reccomend using canna aqua for a first time hydro it does what it says on the bottle and once you're on full strength you dont need to worry about the ph.


I've used it in nft flood and drain and am now using it in the aquafarm dripper range.


I rate it and still use it.

Edited by sibannac2
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