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A White Heaven Germination

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these seeds are an F1 cross i done with the original White Heaven seeds i got from World Wide Seeds.. from 10 seeds i got 9 sprout.. 8 were male and 1 was female.. i crossed 2 seedlings that looked as identical as they could with each other.. this gave me 1000's of F1 seeds.. so from this i expect to find a few different phenos to find the right one.. this will then be re grown and cloned..



germinating seeds are pretty easy... you can place them in a wet paper towel or soak them in water... this is my method.. and its pretty much fool proof..


all you need is a nice clean glass or rainwater...


carefully float the seeds on top... if any sink them remove them with tweezers dry them out and place on top..


this way you can have them germinating over a few days allowing the slower germinating seeds to grow a tap root before planting them out.. also looks way cooler than seeds in a paper towel or drowning in water which if left could turn to mush with in a few days..



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ok.. you can either just go down to the hardware/garden center and buy some seed raising mix.. but here ive thrown together a good one from my own crap.. its pretty simple...


i have a few worm farms and they provide me with great soil base.. and even better a lot of worm liquid.. i use this for a few things through out the grow cycle.. it makes a great foliar feed at around 50mls per liter.. i also use it my hydroponic garden as a nutrient booster.. through out the flowering stage..


take the worm castings and simply seive them.. youll need 1 part worm castings




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here ive got some perlite and also some sawdust ive collected from my chainsaw.. i purposefully ran vegetable oil through the chain bar so as the sawdust wasnt conatminated


take 2 parts of sawdust and 2 parts of perlite.. here ive used the course grade perlite, but i think the finer grade would be a better option for this.. either way it will work well..




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carefully pour the water from the glass.. and tip the seeds onto some paper towel..


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this is where i will take the first cull.. take all the seeds that have a nice healthy tap root, any that havent germinated can be thrown away, also with any that have small tap roots.. plant as many as you can.. choosing the best ones first


then take the seeds and place them into the channels spacing them about 2cm apart


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then take some more seedraising mix and back fill so that the seeds are about 15-20mm below the surface


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heres the ones that didnt make it, you can plant them outside somewhere.. or do what i do.. and just ditch them..



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now that have all been planted out.. they will need a little more water, water them well


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now place the window box under a light, ive used a 400wattHPS in my 2door wardrobe set up


as you can see in just 4 days they have cracked the soil .. at this stage the soil just needs to be kept moist especially on top.. the 400 can dry things out quickly so just keep an eye on it.. a little might be need to keep the top 3cm moist..


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