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Last night's TEN news: reefer madness all over again

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For a while there it seemed as though the latest anti-cannabis campaign driven by John Howard and Morris Iemma was dying down but now it's back and meaner than ever. And, I used to think that channel Ten was a little less anti-cannabis than Nine and Seven but that illusion has been shattered. They joined the anti-cannabis crusade in a big way last night by portraying cannabis as a drug which will ravage users and make them deranged out-of-control murderers.


On the 5th of May, 2006, Ten's late news had two negative stories on cannabis. Here is the summary:


The broadcast starts at approx 11.55pm and the third headline is: "...and how cannabis is driving Australia 'round the bend..." The last story before the first commercial break is introduced:

13 years jail for a man who bludgeoned to death his elderly mother…
Grace Parkes was bashed to death with a metal pipe as she sat watching television...
Police video of actual assailant in house showing police a reenactment of his crime.
...Grace's other children and loved ones comforted each other at the sentencing today, hearing about how his life unraveled when he became a heavy user of cannabis and his wife left him for a Hare Krishna sect. The family says they'll stick by their brother recognising he's done wrong but obviously has problems.
Story ends; the anchor throws to the break and after the break and two more stories comes the headlined cannabis story about the new government booklets. "Gary" is titled a "former user" and has his face blurred out to obscure his identity. He says:
You're well and truly an addicted, regular smoker before you even think about the fact that you might be addicted
This is not reefer madness where we try and scare everybody: don't touch cannabis it can send you mad.
reporter Catherine Kennedy continues:
But studies show that....for those who have a pre-disposition to it marijuana can lead to an induced psychosis or schizophrenia. Psychiatrists fear the Federal Government's booklet may be downplaying the dangers.
They're trying to treat it with spin
Doctor Lyneen argues if the Federal Government doesn't deal with marijuana related mental illnesses:
We will be in complete chaos. We will have several thousand young people dead and we will have even more in jail or on the street.
It's just not worth the risk to try it even once.
End of story.


So, in other words Ten went out of its way to say that the pamphlets were a soft touch. The psychiatrist Dr Lyneen had the look of revenge in her eyes when she said that the government had to deal with persons with cannabis related mental health problems. She's willing to express a professional opinion that legions of pot loonies exist.


This is exactly the same sort of propaganda build-up that occurred during the 1930's in Germany against the Jewish people. The Jews were an ethnic group socio-economically and religiously distinguished from other Europeans who maintained a separate bloodline by forbidding marriage to non-Jews. Hitler claimed them to be a group which exploited the rest and made them the scapegoat for the Great Depression and Germany's loss of World War I. Hitler's final solution was originally the mass deportation of the Jews to the "East" (to the Slavic lands and Russia), Africa and the Middle East. But by the time the war had started Heinrich Himmler, the head of the SS, had transformed the plan from deportation into liquidation (Hitler's War, David Irving, 2001).


http://i58.photobucket.com/albums/g270/reecePhotophucket/Jew_small.jpg http://i58.photobucket.com/albums/g270/reecePhotophucket/hitler_praying2.jpg


Watch out for compulsory testing and treatment in the near future for marijuana smokers in order to "rid society of this scourge". It could involve forced treatment using damaging medications such as neuroleptics (a group which includes Thorazine). It's better to have human vegetables than crazed junkies, they'll figure. To them you're "already dead" because of your drug use. These are the words of crusader Tony Abbott. If cannabis is supposed to be that bad then there's no telling what they'll do in their "final solution" for us.


http://i58.photobucket.com/albums/g270/reecePhotophucket/HowardRumsfeld_small.jpg http://i58.photobucket.com/albums/g270/reecePhotophucket/hitler-_small.jpg

http://i58.photobucket.com/albums/g270/reecePhotophucket/HowardChina_small.jpg http://i58.photobucket.com/albums/g270/reecePhotophucket/Hitler2_small.jpg

http://i58.photobucket.com/albums/g270/reecePhotophucket/JosephGoebbels_small.jpg http://i58.photobucket.com/albums/g270/reecePhotophucket/Ten_small.jpg

Picture: © 2004, Brendan Esposito

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Good lookin out Pa-uul :thumbsup:

I saw that and was appalled to hear the woman say there will be several thousand deaths?? Wow!


They neatly sidestepped any pro-cannabis interviews for impartiality too, wouldn't want a one sided show??


Yep I agree SS, all of us can use cannabis, and do, that includes the healthy, sick, balanced and unbalanced


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At least it won't have much impact at midnight on a Saturday. And it is quite interesting, because to my certain knowledge there are members of the Channel 10 News Team in Sydney who toke ???


Nothing like practising what you preach.


And Paul, love the pics mate, keep up the good work. :thumbsup:

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