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A MAN who bludgeoned his own mother to death because he could not bear the thought of becoming her full-time carer led a secret life of shame and violence as a cross-dressing armed robber.


Bizarre details of father-of-three Phillip Parkes' life were revealed yesterday when he was jailed for at least 13 years for the murder of ailing Grace Parkes, 83.


Parkes, 49, pleaded guilty in November to the crime, committed in January last year, but faced the Supreme Court for sentencing submissions yesterday.


The hearing was told he had previously been convicted of armed robberies, carried out while dressed in women's clothes with an unloaded firearm.


This, a psychiatrist told the court, was put down to a "gender identification disorder" he had probably suffered his whole life and which made him feel "more female than male".


Parkes said the crimes, in which he also detonated Molotov cocktails in two NSW banks, were to pay back his debts and support his children. The clothes, he added, were to mask his identity.


Parkes, who admitted using cannabis since the age of 14, had been married twice and has three children. He and his first wife lived in a Hare Krishna commune before they separated.


When he married his second wife he did not live with her in Murwillumbah, on the far North Coast, because their children did not get along.


He was working as a bus driver for the Frenchs Forest Spastic Centre when he killed his mother with a metal pipe as she watched TV at her Collaroy plateau home, then ransacked the house to make it look like a bungled robbery.


Parkes told a prison psychiatrist he had heard "evil" voices, which he attributed to the devil.


The voices told him just prior to the murder that he was "the instrument of his mother's death" and "her time was up and she had to leave this world".


The court heard Parkes had been smoking up to 40 cones of cannabis a day in the months leading up to the murder.


As Parkes brushed away tears in the dock, family members watched from across the room. Amazingly, they have not all cut him dead.


"He's still my brother, it's sad but the bloodlines are still there," his big brother Russell Parkes said outside court.


"The sentence has been just and we now wish to move on with our lives . . . and he certainly does need help."


Author:LISA DAVIES Court Reporter

Date:May 06, 2006

Source:The Daily Telegraph

Copyright:Nationwide News


The court heard Parkes had been smoking up to 40 cones of cannabis a day in the months leading up to the murder.
I suppose they are now going to blame mj for his cross dressing and committing violent robberies as well as murder, the ANCD will have a ball with this one. :applause:



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they will no doubt try and blame pot use for this horrific crime... but really when 40% of the population smoke pot.. then we should be seeing a lot more of this shit... but we dont...this is a clear case of one fucked up cunt.. who most probably should be in one of those mental institutions which were so cleverly shut down...


I smoke in excess of 40 cones a day.. watch out.. I could snap anythime...:applause:

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well i dont think marijuana was to blame here....first of all, he claimed "voices" told him to do it which generally means he is schizophrenic, secondly marijuana doesnt make people feel like the opposite sex, thats another mental condition he is suffering from. now if you grab a bowl, put in a guy with schizophrenia, gender identification disorder, throw in some expensive bills and a drug habbit and you end up with a walking time bomb :applause: imo if anything, the pot was keeping him sane and he is using the current properganda in the media to get off on a lighter sentence :whistle:
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