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Growing In The Topsy-Turvy Grow bag

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can get at bunnings atm along with all sorts of simular material bags different shapes and sizes, Im thinking about buying a few bags shaped like a sports bag that holds whole bags of coco or soil with good drainage holes and handles for easy moving.. Cheep as this week


They will be perfect for 1 or 2 plants per bag just need some ridged plastic in the base so they can be moved easily in the tray of a ute once they out grow my yard. some of the smaller size bags fold out to a square or rectangle approx 15litre + size pots that would be ideal for mother being wider than depth.

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:photo: thc you going to try this? could suggest potato bags if u can get hold of them old yarn ones


That's what I was thinking.... All you would need is a hessian sack full of dirt hung on a rope. Bob's ya Uncle, Charlie's ya Aunt, and Arthur can't make up his mind! (sorry, old dad quote. ;))


That's also good for growing strawberries I have been told.

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Nah aint going to grow upside down i do enough things back to front..


I just saw these Bags at bunnings recently with others made from heshen or simular water proof material, whole load of shape and sizes to choose many suited to our needs..


I have a couple of ceramic strawberry tubes that hang around a veranda that work well with small plants specially berries as they like to rot if come in contact with the ground or bugs get to them... indoors i dont really see the advantage unless the light is on the floor whick could be alittle dodgy.


Ive been on the hunt for square pots or a 1.3 x 1.3 flood tray with high 100mm sides without luck except on ebay US. Some of the square bags sitting on bread creates would work and drain well in my room but i need to get the sizes then work out the amount of coco needed per light atm using

1x bag of coco per 4x pots/ 9 litre buckets @ 90c ea, or a 900mm x 900mm x 50mm flood tray under 600wt light if the bags hold alot more coco per m2 there is no point its just going to cost more in coco, water, nutes with no benifit with even more coco to find a home for.. already filled every garden bed with recycled coco around the house..

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