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Cleaning My Bong?

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i have a ceramic bong thats fully enclosed, only the stem comes out.

whats the best way to clean it, is there some kind of cleaning liquid i can rinse it out with and not have any residual smell from it. it would be nice to have a nice clean bong :)

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Yeh, cleanings the mucky bit, hate doing it!! :)


I have seen this stuff, I only ever bought it when I was in Cairns but since being down south, I haven't bothered looking for it, I only ever bought the one bottle.


Its a 600ml or so bottle with what looks like window cleaning fluid in it.


I think it was called 'Bong Clean" or "Clean Bong' or something.


I saw it and thought 'wow, I'll give that a go"


I have a double chamber job for one of my bongs and the 2nd chamber (outside the clay bong itself) was made from pyrex and you could see the resin stains etc etc. I put this shit in it and let it soak for about 20 or so and when I went to clean it out, half the caked on resin and shit came straight off!!


I thought this was brilliant, and even left some more in it over night to see what would happen.


The only part I had to really scrub was the bottom of the glass chamber, with a buttter knife. Came up a real treat!! :)


I bought it from a place called Mr Timothys in a shopping centre called Earlville in Cairns. The shop recently changed its name to Whats new though I think.


Any one else heard of this stuff? I'm sure that someone would have used this also??


Now, I can't even be stuffed using it, I just empty water and scrape stem and so forth..


Cheers and 'love those buckets ay!!'



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Yeah, I've seen the same stuff in Qld, Fingers, but the stuff I got was called "Bongex". Don't quote me on this, but I'm told it's the same as Windex, and I think the active ingredient is amonia isn't it? Not 100% sure, but I think if you used straight amonia it would stink. If I'm wrong, someone tell me, because I was just going to use Windex next time because Bongex was too bloody expensive (hell it even looked and smelled like Windex. :)
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The best thing I've found to clean the bong is dishwasher detergent. Not the liquid like Morning Fresh but the powder you put in dishwashers like Finish or Kwit. Just tip about 4 tablespoons full into your bong and then fill with super hot water, give it a swish around and then clean with your bong brush. For best results leave it soak overnight.





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thanks for the advice

i think the products you would buy that are specifically for cleaning bongs would be overpriced and basically the same as other household cleaners


dont know what the active ingredient is in windex but if its ammonia you would know by the smell :(


i might try ammonia, it smells strong but it shouldnt be too hard to get it out after a couple of rinses. Or maybe a weak solution of caustic soda would do the job, its the active ingredient in oven cleaner and drain cleaner and its basic like ammonia but it doesnt smell. Its also very strong depending on how much you use, just dont use it with aluminium stem or cone coz it will corrode it :P :)


i'll post a reply on how it goes :)

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Guest niall

I only use glass so you can see exactly how dirty your gear is, and which bits need the most attention. Mind you I usually keep it spotless, cleaning every few sessions, so I never actually see any buildup, it just makes me feel disgusting and dirty using a soiled bong, who knows what's breeding in that water or what germs are on the mouthpiece...


I got recommended De-Solv-It, after using rubbing alcohol with rock salt suspended in it as an abrasive. De-Solv-It is much, much better - especially for getting serious cakes of tar out of hard to reach spots. It's a natural, citrus based cleaner, non-toxic etc. It does tend to react with large deposits of tar, leaving a soapy residue which needs to be rinsed off or scrubbed out of hard to reach spots with a bottlebrush or some steel wool, but my brass cone pieces came up cleaner than new, my jaw dropped when I saw how clean and polished they were.


Someone else has recommended metho, which is very cheap but toxic and extremely flammable so I tend to stick to natural alternatives. Plus if you clean your bong regularly, like after every session or two, it takes a lot less time and you know that it's always clean. Just give it a quick swirl, rinse and wipe and you're done, should only take a few seconds each time instead of spending a good 30 mins of scrubbing after you've built up a serious cake...


*shiver* :)

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Heh heh, I should clean mine far more often than I do. I usually do so once every couple weeks, but I always refill bong water fresh for a session and will blast out the bong residue in a run through rinse first with warm, then pretty hot, then slowly bringing the temp down again in small increments until it's just cool water.


BE CAREFUL WITH HEATED GLASS! When you cool it, particularly if you do so quickly, you can shatter it exceptionally easily by a tiny tap that you'd never imagine could harm it ordinarily. The better the bong, those made from good pyrex and such, are less conducive to this kind of damage, but it can still happen. So make sure you're very careful about overhanging taps and handling the billy while removing and rinsing it. :P


To clean my own thoroughly, I use a bit of steel wool, or a good dishwashing sponge/scourer, and jif. That shit rocks. A half sink full of very warm water in there to rinse with, and a bendy stem cleaner to get to the fiddly bits, and it's spotless again. :)


Although, in my youth, I experimented. I found that polydent denture cleaning pills, you know the ones you put your choppers into with a glass of water to clean em? Bubbles up and shit? Yeah, those cleaning pills work really well on resin tar on bongs. :( :) Course, for a big bong you need a big container and a few pills, but it certainly does the job.

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Pour in some metho (about half the amount of water you would use) and some uncooked rice, cover the holes and shake vigorously for 10 - 15 seconds, rinse with warm water. Metho mixes with water and rinses very easily, a good detergent cleaner I've found is eucalyptus wool wash but it takes a bit more rinsing.



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