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Due to the ferm language some posts seem to trigger by, in different circomstances, friendly tokers, when it comes down to political views, I thought it's maybe an idea for you guys&girls to do the test.


http://www.digitalronin.f2s.com/politicalcompass/images/bothaxes.gif http://www.digitalronin.f2s.com/politicalcompass/images/axeswithnames.gif



ENTER HERE TO DO THE TEST!!! (it won't hurt ya)



:huh: My score?..uh ok:

Economic Left/Right: -5.00

Authoritarian/Libertarian: -6.15

(leavin me with Ghandi)

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Guest Urbanhog

My score:


Economic Left/Right: -1.50

Authoritarian/Libertarian: -2.10


:huh: .... guess my compass puts me in Libertarian Left




Urbanhog http://www.gamers-forums.com/smilies/contrib/sp/chefico.gif

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cheers mate, thats some good shit. 


hey tboat, you're always talking about us Aussies giving you a visit, when are you going to give us a visit?  :D

Soon I hope, there's this little legal matter I have to sort out :huh: as Dutch coffeeshop owners some times are on international wanted lists (thank you DEA) and do get arrested and delivered to the US by the country they go to.(and we all know how brown Howard's nose is)

But I'm working on that, in fact I have to go to court next week, 21th March, all to get my legal status cleared.


**my gf's even talking about movin down there to live sometimes.

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Hey tboat, pipeman, urbanhog and ozmade, well done!

Did the test here is my score.

Economic Left/Right: -5.38

Authoritarian/Libertarian: -8.46

Leaving me in between Ghandi and Anarchy. GREAT!

That was fun I knew that's what my result would be, I know that's why we are on this side of the fence, No room for Jack Straws Or Thatcherites.

To me, Politically, Right = Wrong, Very wrong.

And Authoritarian = Insanity.

Wonder what President Bush, or his brown nosed Howard would score? I really want to know!!!!

Not that I couldn't guess one for them, Just take the test again and think like a authoritarian/ libertarian (translated - a fascist - capitalist) and check the result.

Then we can sit back toke up and piss ourselves laughing. Wicked, Man!!!

You should compile the results to see how many pot heads on 420Aus that support the policies that will never bring peace, or legalise pot, etc, in Aust.

Ganga :huh:

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