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Any soil growers here?

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I'm not having a lot of luck on my first grow so far. I'm sure it'll get better as I learn, but if there are any soil growers out there that have had success with an easy to do mix I would like to copy it.


By easy to do I mean all the incrediants available for purchase from hardware/nurseries. I don't compost or collect manure or anything like that. lol


So if there is anyone out there that can share the exact ingredients and nutrients they have used for a successful soil grow this newbie soil grower would be very appreciative. lol

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Guest Urbanhog

I am a soil grower here ;)


usually when I transplant them into bigger pots, I overwater them and keep flushing them until the water gets bit "clearer".


I use 1/3 part perlite, 1/3 Verculture, 1/3 Verrom's compost mix, and rarely use nutes in their young vegetitive stage cos there's plenty on the compost. I know people will argue over this, but it has worked well for me.


I make the plants "struggle" a bit in the young stage but not too much or you will stress them, I grow for the taste not the yeild. Also if too much soil in Brisbane's hot tropical waethers can make the soil bit "heavy" thats why using perlite and verculture is important to increase the airflow, thats the lesson I learnt the hard way when I moved up here from tassie.


Now I am soon going to hydro, try something different have a new hobby for 2003 :P


Urbanhog http://www.gamers-forums.com/smilies/contrib/sp/chefico.gif

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Hey pipe,


I'm in Qld too, (you've seen my plant) and using "100% certified Organic Potingmix" (that's what it says on the bag), picked it up from Bunnings for about $10 i think. For ferts I've been using "Maxicrop Indoor Plant Food" during veg and I've just started using "Manutec Bloom Booster" for flowering. With the flowering ferts i've been watering it down a little more than the packet specs, for the vege ferts i just used as per instructions on packet. Both products u can get pretty much anywhere (kmart, mitre10, bunnings, etc).


Hope this helps.

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thanks cypress & urbanhog for your help. My plants are actually looking a little better of late. They've perked up and are growing decently, although I'm still getting yellowing leaves near the bottom.


I'll decide how much I change my setup depending on how good or bad this first attempt ends up being.


As a side note I've noticed little tiny crawly things in the soil. Not totally infested but one here and there unlike anything I've ever seen. Can you just spray soil with pyrethrum spray or similar to kill bugs?

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Yeah, i've noticed little black bugs crawlin and flyin round the cupboard i'm growin in two, i sprayed (fairly liberly, i can't spell tonight to save myself) with pyrethrum but it doesn't seem to have helped. I've also got a couple of cactus in there, so i'm not sure if that brought em in, but so far i've been unsuccessful in gettin rid of em :-(


Havin said that, i haven't noticed any damage to the plants, as yet, so lets hope the trend continues.

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Hi pipeman. Thought I'd post my reply about the ph chart in this thread of yours.


Yes the ph range for growing in soil is a bit different to hydro. here's the chart for soil


Thanks for the compliment on the chart but I can't take the credit. I've posted them here with the permission of Ozgrowa over at marijuana.com who made them up.


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I am a soil grower here

i's uses yates propagating mix to start seedlings

I'm in Qld too, (you've seen my plant) and using "100% certified Organic Potingmix"
usually when I transplant them into bigger pots, I overwater them and keep flushing them until the water gets bit "clearer".
"Manutec Bloom Booster"
has been usin this for cuppla years now and i's think it is ok.
I grow for the taste not the yeild.

experience tells me that if ya want a good plant to smoke ya's gotta feeds it right .(tis y me don't use any manure and fish emulsion in me grow cos it tastes like SHIT in the end.)

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Guest Urbanhog
(tis y me don't use any manure and fish emulsion in me grow cos it tastes like SHIT in the end.)

I have to disagree with you......


I have known mates used shroom, compost, chicken, cow, horse, sheep manure and also used that fish stuff, and they ended up a awesome outdoor smoke. The trick was that they just used plain water for the last 2-3 weeks before haverst....


I mean is veggie growers are using manure and fish stuff for their veggie gardens? and they tasted like shit? nah I don't think so, its just the same with mj plants....


Sounds like you used manure water fertlizer and sprayed on the plants? that can cause funny manure fishy tastes on the buds, thats why its best to pour at the bottom of the plant, not all over..... only during their budding stage.


Just speaking from past observations.


Urbanhog http://www.gamers-forums.com/smilies/contrib/sp/chefico.gif

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I have known mates used shroom, compost, chicken, cow, horse, sheep manure and also used that fish stuff,

tis the only reasons y i's posted about Sh...& fish ,but theys sure grows wells,huge even thank you 4 the comment .

my preferance is M&M"S(mango & mulberries)of course they grow in my yard u should try them for cookin urbanhog yum yum yum :P


grow grow grow all herb lovers :P

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