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guitash's homemade bug spray

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I have made this tutorial after receiving advice from this forum, i have changed the recipe slightly and it has removed the bugs from my patch, I had little brown grasshoppers that were eating the large shade leaves and i wanted to get rid of them before my crop turned to flower...


Get the Key ingredients that are outlined in the photo provided:Tobacco (optional) Curry Powder, Garlic Bulb, Chilli Powder , Pepper and Soap (can use liquid hand soap) also a fine strainer or stocking. Start by filling up a saucepan full of water, bring to the boil, Crush the cloves of garlic with the flat blade of a knife, add to water along with, 8 - 10 tablespoons of chilli powder, 5 tablespoons of Pepper, and 5 tablespoons of curry powder, also add a generous pinch of tobacco (about 5 - 8 smokes worth) boil this until slightly reduced i did this for 20 minutes at a medium heat. Remove from the heat, and add a small amount of grated soap (say 5 grams) or a small squirt of liquid hand soap and mix through. you are then left with the product that is shown in the saucepan, get a stocking and strain this mixture through the stocking until you are left with a strong smelling slighty orange brown liquid. now fill the saucepan back up with water till it is back at the top, Add to a spray bottle..


Hint: Make sure when you are looking through the bottle from the top to the bottom that you can see to the bottom of the bottle, if you cant remove from spray bottle and add more water to the mix until you can see. It should still be fairly orange at this stage. If you are concerned about the health of your plants i would test on a small section of plant to see if it burns it, although i had no problems at all...


Make sure you spray all over the top of the leaves the stems and the underside of the leaf.


I used this method a few days ago on the small grasshoppers i described earlier and they ran for the hills. I also now use to spray around the crop and into the trees around the place, and my bug problem seems to have disappeared.


Of course there is always a chemical alternative, but if you after a natural organic spray then this one is the go...





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yeah dude, i used it to get rid of small brown grasshoppers, but i imagine it would get rid of anything, it does not leave a residue on your plants, but it does make them stink of garlic, hence why i wouldnt not spray the last couple of weeks b4 harvest, but by then you should have the bug problem under control, i have been spraying it right around the crop just to keep them at bay. still get a little bit of eating, but hardly anything compared to what i used to get, i think it must be new bugs trying it then going because they dont like the taste...
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guitash...organics gotta love them :blink:

am definately going to try this on my outdoor patch next season...its been bookmarked

as to the new bugs trying it....they must like stinky disgusting stuff :D


how much of a pong does it give off out of 10??




pong out of ten...well when your cooking it is probably a 12 lol it really stings the nostrils, but once watered down probably a 6, you can always adjust the amounts to suit your needs, ive just been playing around with different stuff, of course if you have insects in a plague propertion this probably wouldnt work and have to get a much stronger solution...


I also found that spraying every couple of days is necessary, because being natural and organic evaporates very quickly. Which is okay when you grow near your house but when you grow guerilla it might be a pain in the arse...

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Cool thread guitash. When I first started reading I saw the tobacco and cringed as tobacco can carry tobacco mosaic virus which will wipe out a cannabis crop and is incurable but after reading on I noticed you boil it all up. I wonder if this kills any virus that might be present? I'm guessing it would.


As a general rule tobacco is a big no no around cannabis but used like this it's probably ok.



Peace MongyMan

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tobacco can carry tobacco mosaic virus which will wipe out a cannabis crop and is incurable but after reading on I noticed you boil it all up. I wonder if this kills any virus that might be present? I'm guessing it would.


Timely advice Mongy,

I suggested a variation of this formula containing Tobacco in another thread cause i have used this type of formula often on Cannabis with no transmition of TMV, but after considering the chance of transmitting such a shocking virus it may be best to omit Tobacco from this spray


on further research it is reported that TMV is a thermostable virus and on a dried tobacco leaf it can withstand up to 120 degrees Fahrenheit (50 °C) for 30 minutes

although boiling point of water is 212 Farenheit (100 °C) and may indeed kill TMV i would no longer be prepared to take the risk



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Timely advice Mongy,

I suggested a variation of this formula containing Tobacco in another thread cause i have used this type of formula often on Cannabis with no transmition of TMV, but after considering the chance of transmitting such a shocking virus it may be best to omit Tobacco from this spray


on further research it is reported that TMV is a thermostable virus and on a dried tobacco leaf it can withstand up to 120 degrees Fahrenheit (50 °C) for 30 minutes

although boiling point of water is 212 Farenheit (100 °C) and may indeed kill TMV i would no longer be prepared to take the risk




hmmms interesting, i have never heard of this mosaic virus, but it does seem that it would be a virus that would render the tobacco unsellable if it was affected (wouldnt the saleable product of tobacco have to be free of this disease?) it hasnt affected my plants, i tend to think the boiling would kill the virus's, but i am no research scientist, has not affected my plants at this stage....altough as i said its optional so take it out if your not willing to take the risk, im sure the bugs would not like the other ingredients either by themselves....

Edited by guitash
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hmmms interesting, i have never heard of this mosaic virus, but it does seem that it would be a virus that would render the tobacco unsellable if it was affected (wouldnt the saleable product of tobacco have to be free of this disease?) it hasnt affected my plants, i tend to think the boiling would kill the virus's, but i am no research scientist, has not affected my plants at this stage....altough as i said its optional so take it out if your not willing to take the risk, im sure the bugs would not like the other ingredients either by themselves....


As far as I know it's not something they bother testing for. It is of no risk to humans so not a problem in cigarets and I don't think it affects most plant crops to any great extent so is of little concern in the big picture to agriculture. Cannabis isn't an industry they have any need to protect (maby hemp will change this) but I do know cannabis is a plant particularly suseptible to it and if you get it you need to destroy and burn any diseased plants and fully sterilize everything, which is still no guarantee you will have gotten rid of it.

It's very likely the boiling of the mix you describe kills it but I don't know for sure. Personally I'd omit the tobacco, as you said the other ingredients are probably more than enough for it to work.


Peace MongyMan

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