Hi everyone im very glad I found this website and all its useful posts. I've been reading them for sometime now, and im still a bit overwhelmed at how much information is here that I cant really understand what I could use in my situation. Now a little about myself. I've been smoking marijuana for 3 years. 4 weeks ago I found a seed in my sack of chronic so I decided to plant it. I went into my garage and found some organic soil that says it has sandy loam? wetting agent, rich compost and encourages the growth of earth worms ( im not really sure if this is relevant ) Any who my plant has been growing for a little over 3 weeks now http://img535.imageshack.us/img535/1354/dsc00057q0.jpg Seeing my plant grow has given me a great enjoyment and it has me really looking forward in experimenting with growing. ( I realize that there are some real cultavist's here so please dont post up any information or advice that is to technical or advance I basically want to know the basics before I learn the more advance techniques ) So What i want to do is grow this 1 plant I've been growing it outside and its been getting roughly 12 hours of sunlight everyday. Im thinking I should buy proper growing lights and grow a very small amount of plants.. im talking 5 at max for personal use. I'd like to know what sort of lights i need, how much roughly i'll have to pay, what sorts of lights are needed for different growth stages, where to purchase them and if its possible to grow a plant in soil using lights? When should i start using fertilizer on my plant? what kind of fertilizer should I use? where can i get said fertilizer. Thats pretty much it. Thanks if you've read all of this. I hope i get some positive answers and im looking forward to being an active user of this great community. Peace out everyone!