710at420 THC Extraction
710at420 concentrating forums for information and topics on the extraction of THC and other associated cannabinoids within cannabis
Discussions and topics specifically about using medical cannabis tinctures and other extract formulas for medical cannabis use, dosage rates, which strains work best for what etc.
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236 topics in this forum
- 1 reply
Hello I can't seem to find any info on this I Want answers not complaints about using dangerous solvents. So you have your ball of iso hash now if you drop your iso hash into a jar and add naphtha would the naphtha be able to absorb the crap out of the iso hash clorophyl etc Leaving you with a cleaner product my theory is to keep adding naphtha and syphoning it off until it is clear. The premise being that the crap will be soluble in naphtha but the good stuff won't . Therefore when the naphtha is clean and not absorbing anything anymore you could evaporate what is left in the jar and yield a very clean product . So answers anyone ?
Last reply by shroomyshroom, -
- 420 Crew
- 8 replies
ok i have read many thing about how to make tincture like with everclear high proof alcohol vegetable glycerin, how long to leave it from 2 wees to 2 months? also read you can heat it to to make it i shorter amount of time. can some one lead me in the right direction in making it i also have honey oil if that will make it. I have a good quantity of buds and trims still left if thats better to make with. please help
Last reply by cuttle, -
- 4 replies
Hi all Well i thought it was about time to make some hash so here goes... Ok first of all its real important that you put the 25 Micron bag in first and then follow with the 73 Micron, 160 Micron and the mix bag which is the 220 Micron bag until you have them all nice and snug I couldn't find a round 20ltr bucket so i decided to use a 20ltr square bin bucket In this run im going to use 58 grams or 2 ounces of Cheese I had put the Cheese in the freezer for a few hrs until it was nice and frozen and now to chop it up into smaller pieces Ok so after the bags are in the right order its time to fill the bags with water just about half way up the bags, make sure its…
Last reply by Dallas, -
- 12 replies
Gday all this is how i make my hash oil first what youll need A large shallow pyrex dish natural coffee filters 100% isopropyl alcohol 250 ml an ounce of good buds chopped to small chunks a clean hair dryer one that has no dust or hair in it or this will be blown into your oil pyrex jug small and a jar step 1 : get a station ready a tabl with your dish hair dryer next to it have a coffee filter open in your small jug ready to pour the liquid throgh make sure your dish is clean and when your ready pour your alcohol over the buds an shake for 10 seconds (5 seconds if you want less yield but higher quality) pour the liquid alcohol thats mixed with the…
Last reply by GreenBug, -
- 420 Crew
- 3 replies
Hey all, thought I would throw up some pics of my first iso extraction, which was made from about an ounce of trim and stem. it was fun to smoke and the yield was good. Tasted a bit shit though, and I managed to get cat hair and some tiny bits of cabbage in it. Now I just have to make another batch. Jimbo below: Oil in Pyrex dish after reduction below: Scraping the bowl below: the finished product below: the yield was good for a 10sec shake
Last reply by brick, -
Ok ive seen this stuff on ebay from both the USA and from China and wonder is it even legal to own this stuff? or is it like bongs, its only illegal if you do illegal things with it, ie make meth? i cant see myself ever buying a kit like this, seems to be something that could be used to cook hard drugs with but it would be cool to make my own alcohol with it : hear is the link n e ways http://cgi.ebay.com.au/New-Organic-chemistry-lab-glassware-kit-24-40-/160369996528?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2556cbf2f0
Last reply by Sylar420, -
Greetings fellow Oz Stoners. Love the site. This is my first post here, so be gentle on me and we can all have a good time. Many years ago I bought 2.5 litres of 91% medical grade isopropyl alcohol over the counter, without any problem. But the other day I went to a local medical supply company to buy iso and they told me that since early 2004 its sale has been restricted in Oz because it was being used as a solvent in the illegal drug trade. (I am shocked, I tell you, truly shocked! You just can't trust anyone these days.) Iso cannot be sold over the counter anymore (except as weak and adulterated rubbing alcohol), and can only be sold to established customers and regi…
Last reply by fogger, -
- 9 replies
hello OS, just a quickie... as the title asks really. personally i love the butane extraction myself, but i also love bubblebags too - and a bit of dry-sift when i think about it!!! (mix with some bho and... hmmmm) anyway, what about everybody else here - whats yer fave??
Last reply by spirit, -
- 0 replies
Ok im am new here but i just made a batch of honey oil (15 grams)with my custom glass butane extractor. but my question is ways of eating honey oil ie making tincture or butter ect. links to other topics also a good methon of making tincture
Last reply by redman4200, -
- 11 replies
I wanted to ask if any Aus reader - posters make their own Hemp oil from the Indica strain only (not to be confused with Hemp seed oil, that's quite different and isn't at all what I'm seeking) as I was reading about it's remarkable curative abilities on the site below and would be happy to buy it (please private message me) according to the instructions below. I only ask as I'm not a stoner, which doesn't change the fact that this is still a great site. Also check out Rick Simpson's excellent 'Run From the Cure' doco on the link below. http://www.phoenixtears.ca/diy.html http://www.phoenixtearsmovie.com/
Last reply by Sylar420, -
- 5 replies
I haven't done this. I wasn't there. Someone asked about it. Taken from Marijuana Potency, Michael Starks, And/Or Press. I can't find this one online, he has a later volume which appears to go further into the chemistry. Don't think I'd like to read it, this one was hard enough. There is some grow info but it's more about how, why, and how to get the most out of. I'd like to know what battery and lamp he used in his 4th aparatus. Remember, this was well before brick style mobile phones that had batteries bigger than car batteries. Depends on how much heat you need to pump into your solvent, I suppose, and the solvents are easily vapourised.
Last reply by sassman, -
- 11 replies
hey everyone these are just some pics of a recent batch of oil i did had a major spill so lost a bit but still got nice blob i double filtered it this time and did a 8 second wash so its very strong doesnt flame up at all just bubbles away and you feel the hit straight away.
Last reply by peyotedub, -
- 420 Crew
- 2 replies
Hi there guys and glas Not sure if this is possible but i was thinking, the canabinoids and terpinoids in cannabis are non water soluble and at the same time melt and become a liquid when boiled in water which made me wonder, what if cannabis was subjected to the same process that are used to extract essential oils form other plants ie lavender and tea tree? The process is much the same as distilling water however there is a mesh screen placed above the boiling water and steam is allowed to pass through the plant matter picking up any oils within and become condensed in a serpentine or jacketed condenser, oil being lighter than water floats above the water leaving the ess…
Last reply by Sylar420, -
- 1 reply
Hi all I'm looking to make an extract, by soaking in iso alochol and then evaporating. Has anyone done this? I was thinking of getting 100% iso from bunnings, but before doing so wanted to check if it was the right stuff and if it is safe. Thanks to anyone who can help. cheers.
Last reply by mull, -
- 1 reply
Hi crew,this link should help you crew out with making Tincture from cannabis,{ http://www.cannabis-videos.com/watchthis/v...-by-doctor.html }check it out an enjoy go to the right hand side of the page as well an scroll down to tags an check what ever you like lots off info for you.There is some good videos off growing some off the Green House Seed Co, seeds from start off Veg to the finish off flowering with PH levels & EC levels as well.
Last reply by mull,